1 thought on “Sounds of a party – a political party

  1. Voting is supposed to be an exercise in thoughtful, studied choice. Local government is the foundation for good governance so even if one wants to reform the system one should vote. The choices may be what the are, people competing for the monarch title as the lesser evil, while we searching for those who represent the greater good. But at least we havea choice, as against not having that fundamental choice – to vote. So if for that reason only, of being able to fulfill one's duty as citizen, go out and vote tomorow. It's true, we all thinking, whey meh costume as I was when I woke up this morning to loud dejaying and began scrambling around looking for meh Carnival jouvert morning costume to the contenders for road march tune local government elections, forgetting I had loaned it to the new political comedy show: debates redefined, Trini style: Support a party rag; wave you party flag; jump and wave you ink-stained finger. This Carnival atmosphere might be confusing, but at least let your vote be a conscious action….

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