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Kris Rampersad
Kris Rampersad author, educator, journalist
Appointment of first woman President. How can she make a different for women and girls and the...
Based on a true encounter my collision with Stephen Hawking on the Cambridge Greens and our shared...
LiTTribute to the Americas celebrate the indigeneous and migrant traditions that produce the rich oral and literary...
Oxford Dictionary expands its vocabulary into contentious frontiers -- satirical tweets from Dr Kris Rampersad
Just when the immortelles, yellow pink lilac poui in their blaze of glory mock the raging...
Need to update media codes of practice and laws for digital age
or the first time in 16 years Trinidad and Tobago sits on the Executive Board of the...
Host of BBC World Have Your Say, Ros Atkins special guest speaker at LiTTribute to LondonTTown. LiTTribute...
Portal de la Cultura de América Latina y el Caribe Building Capacities on World Heritage across Caribbean...