Rampersad chairs the 21 member new National Commission for UNESCO Trinidad and Tobago
Kris Rampersad
Kris Rampersad author, educator, journalist
Dr Kris Rampersad, commend awards to women recognised so profusely in the first year, of a...
Series of articles by Dr Kris Rampersad on gender empowerment and mainstreaming women in development
The underdevelopment of the non-energy tradable sector could seriously hamper Trinidad and Tobago’s future economic growth. The...
Trinidad and Trinidad appoints new National Commission for UNESCO chaired by Dr Kris Rampersad
Dr Kris Rampersad examines notions of a growing mass global movement of an entity called civil society,...
Holding up the exemplary work of several other professional women as key contributors to national social and...
in an environment in which the playing field is not yet equal and there are several structures...
With rapidly changing technologies in media, many of our knowledge resources are fast disappearing or becoming inaccessible....
Review of Through the Political Glass Ceiling by Dr Kris Rampersad in Open Salon