Novel times require novel responses. Let’s take charge of the COVID-19 Planet Pandemic Panic with some new creative learnings that fortify us for the challenges ahead. Launching the GLoCal Knowledge Pot learning academy.

There’s something for all ages, every interest and industry. To find out more state your interest through this link or make contact at kris @krisrampersad.com.
My focus is on reshaping our approach to development and tooling current and next generations with life skills in the areas that are challenging our planet: Heritage, Human and Social Relations, Sustainable living practices, and cultivating a mindset as protectors of our planet.
I am releasing my new publication I the Sky & Me the Sea, the Adventures of Munnie Butterfly and Danny Dragonfly Read more here
I am make available for public education the multimedia learning materials that I have been preparing over the last few months. To find out more about this and more about my work visit here
To contact and make a request click on this link here

You might have noticed that I was less public over the past few months. I was taking the time to not just prepare these multimedia learning materials, but to upgrade my own learning skills for the challenges ahead. This includes a wild field of interest in environment and heritage conservation, gender, human and social relations, literature and life.
Let’s fight the pandemic with intelligence! Join me!
Remind leaders of strengths of diversity Bob Marley’s Reggae Music Road To UNESCO Intangible Heritage