Kris Rampersad — Blogs, Pictures, and more on WordPress (more…)
Outreach & Advocacy
Kris Rampersad — Blogs, Pictures, and more on WordPress (more…)
Caribbean pioneers and educators comprised Muslims fron Indentured Immigrant Labour movements
Location is a core marker of identity. But location is not just physical but also metaphysical space....
Pointing to glaring deficits in the Caricom culture policy and others that existed in the region, Rampersad...
It’s ‘business unusual’… Triple whammy to hit energy sector | On the Frontlines of Climate Change (more…)
Clear deficits in Caribbean culture policies, says UNESCO … | Ace Card’s Caribbean Vacation (more…)
Clear deficits in Caribbean culture policies, says UNESCO consultant | The West Indian News (more…)
YouTube – TIME OUT IN TRINIDAD – 1950s – Pt. 1 – Piarco Airport & Drive South...
Keeping the Pressure on to Invest in Women’s Health – IPS (more…)