A close look at statistical analyses of media and the pitfalls in applying old methods to the...
Culture, Policy, Education, Sustainable Development, UN, Diversity, UNESCO, World Heritage, Diversity, Cultural Expressions
Assessment of challenges towards gender equality and elimination of gender based violence, institutional deficit and women in...
Gender bender mind twister on the complexity of data collation and analyses with changing gender dynamics and...
Kris Rampersad was in Toronto recently to launch her book, which is a collection of speeches by...
Dr. Kris Rampersad ... sets new interpretations for future elected office holders.... a good starting point for...
UNDP CSR Regional Conference Report on Corporate Social Responsibility
The diversity of the Caribbean region and its distorted history leave many gaps in understanding appreciating and...
The evidence is it remains much easier for mediocre men to make it than average and above-average...
Pointing to glaring deficits in the Caricom culture policy and others that existed in the region, Rampersad...
Increasing spaces for women in new WestMinister Cabinet of first woman Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago