The impacts of COVID 19 on the rights of minorities, marginalised, migrants and other disadvantaged and underprivileged...
Social Justice
One Night To Bloom an Independent Short Film by Dr Kris Rampersad introduces a new literary genre...
The United States of America Inaugurates its 46th President Joe Biden replacing its controversial 45th President Donald...
The Quest For New Leaders With prospering guns and drugs trades, extreme poverty in the midst of...
Now, if only their was a Nobel Prize for Blogging and/or the cannon of commentary on the...
Oxford Dictionary expands its vocabulary into contentious frontiers -- satirical tweets from Dr Kris Rampersad
As the newspaper as a media sits at its fin de siecle, it forces one to question...
Sitting in a small island behind phone and email, steering populations to move governments - Dr Kris...
As UNESCO World heritage assembly meets in PARIS to examine governance finance administration of UNESCOs flagship programme...
Trinidad and Tobago received the highest number of votes for the Executive Board of UNESCO among the...