Dear Lizzie My polished sword reflects the glint of glory
Dr Kris Rampersad Books
Prime Minister Kamla Persad Bissessar presents a copy of Through the Political Glass Ceiling – Race to Prime...
ADDRESS BY SENATOR DR. BHOENDRADATT TEWARIE, Minister of Planning and Sustainable Development, Chairman 50THAnniversary Of Independence Interministerial...
Dear Lizzie, To what special wisdom are the men in wigs privy....
Dear Lizzie,
Shall I relay d great lie of yur kinsman Raleigh.
Dear Lizzie,
The barge she sat in Burned on the water and so perfumèd that the Empire now n...
Review of Through the Political Glass Ceiling by Dr Kris Rampersad in Open Salon
Kris Rampersad was in Toronto recently to launch her book, which is a collection of speeches by...
Dr. Kris Rampersad ... sets new interpretations for future elected office holders.... a good starting point for...
Novel initiatives in culture and gender sensitive integrations and education for sustainable development from the GloCaL Knowledge...