Prime Minister Kamla Persad Bissessar presents a copy of Through the Political Glass Ceiling – Race to Prime...
Knowledge for Sustainable Development
Dr Kris Rampersad shares benefits of strength garnered from participation in the deliberation of international issues.
Scouts and district councillors get LiTTour of their district and Sangre Grande with readings of LiTTscapes Landscapes...
Dear Lizzie, Dunno if 2 say congrats or condolences...
Dear Lizzie Permission pls, yuh Majesty, to mash up yuh language, to break up the Queen's English...
Dear Lizzie I am sitting here at the Premier's desk at White Hall,
Dear Lizzie We who have been breastfed on British books ...
Dear Lizzie, Plantings so menial yet worth d weight in gold...
Dear Lizzie,
The barge she sat in Burned on the water and so perfumèd that the Empire now n...
Letters to Lizzie Reviews the pre and post colonial global interconnectedness beyond the Commonwealth