Dear Lizzie, Time we had that talk, about the origins of the species that Darwin guy...
Dear Lizzie
Hope it doesn't rain on your parade ...
Dear Lizzie,
The barge she sat in Burned on the water and so perfumèd that the Empire now n...
Dear Lizzie,
A jubilee for both of us.. .and another Queen is born...
What do they know of cricket ... The game of the empire the queen Elizabeth cricket
Unique cultural interpretation of the cut and thrust of Trinidad and Tobago’s politics
Dear Lizzie So we corrected The old Lie Dulce et Decorum est Pro patria mori the ungrateful colonists
Letters to Lizzie Reviews the pre and post colonial global interconnectedness beyond the Commonwealth
Dear Lizzie, Charge your iPad, u r about to enter a colonial portal more unsettling than Alice...
Dr Kris Rampersad begins corresponding with Queen Lizzie after planned trip to the Jubilee get stalled with...