Female world leaders currently in power (more…)
Media, cultural and literary consultant Dr Kris Rampersad believes budgets should contain the necessary provisions to push...
Full List – Top 10 Female Leaders – TIME (more…)
http://www.indocaribbeanworld.com/archives/july2/mainews2.html (more…)
9766370788: “Finding a Place: IndoTrinidadian Literature” by Kris Rampersad @ BookFinder.com (more…)
Commonwealth praise for book on Kamla’s speeches | Trinidad Express Newspaper | News (more…)
Julia Roberts: ‘I’m Definitely a Practicing Hindu’ (more…)
Explore avenues and options for expanding creative industries and opportunities from Caribbean diaspora and heritage
Coordination Strategy and Planning for Non Profits to Partner with Government Private Sector in Flood Relief efforts