Prioritising the needs of less fortunate and under-privileged on the global agenda for change at UNESCO General...
Latin America and Caribbean Heritage
Creative Musings where fact meets fiction and a survey of the state of heritage conservation
When it comes to culture in the global space, the Caribbean ... can share our best practices,...
Strengthening policies, infrastructure, legislation, and the policy framework to stimualte economic development through culture
Dear Lizzie I am sitting here at the Premier's desk at White Hall,
Rampersad chairs the 21 member new National Commission for UNESCO Trinidad and Tobago
Dr Kris Rampersad commended on actions to counterbalance trade agreements and affirm the sovereign right of countries...
Grow Safeguard Preserve Create A MultiMedia Legacy With rapidly changing technologies in media, many of our knowledge...
Pointing to glaring deficits in the Caricom culture policy and others that existed in the region, Rampersad...
Grow Safeguard Preserve Create A MultiMedia Legacy With rapidly changing technologies in media, many of our knowledge...