International Gender Strategist Dr Kris Rampersad provides insights into working to Break The Bias and the prospects,...
Outreach Lobby Advocacy
Appointment of first woman President. How can she make a different for women and girls and the...
Host of BBC World Have Your Say, Ros Atkins special guest speaker at LiTTribute to LondonTTown. LiTTribute...
Prime Minister Kamla Persad Bissessar presents a copy of Through the Political Glass Ceiling – Race to Prime...
Based on the theme Acting Together for a Just World, the Assembly opened in Glasgow, Scotland on...
Dr. Kris Rampersad ... sets new interpretations for future elected office holders.... a good starting point for...
Novel initiatives in culture and gender sensitive integrations and education for sustainable development from the GloCaL Knowledge...
investing in the arts a brilliant economical strategy, better investment in developing the arts in T&T would...
Multimedia Innovator Dr Kris Rampersad examines the core post colonial mentality that distances agriculture and hinders development...