Where will Imagination Take You? We’ll take you there! GLoCaLly, the World Thru Novel Lenses at the GloCal Knowledge Pot blog brings you novel perspectives, prospects and projections, insights & foresights into the post pandemic planet. Explore the mindscapes and landscapes with inclusive, integrated, interconnected, interdisciplinary and intergenerational intelligence. Request research, analyses and insights, product, book and film reviews, course and curriculum advice and oversight.
This Novel Edutainment E-Learning Experience encompasses the GloCal Knowledge Pot Motto: Explore Entertain Excite Educate Empower Engage.
Confronting the challenges into the post pandemic planet, no topic is too small or too big. Utilise the GloCal knowledge research information services & resources to you personal and professional practice.
You can also find insightful perspectives in the Demokrissy Blogs, g

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