Knowledge meets Experience in our skills development academy and learning laboratories on our sustainable development lifelong learning portal. Also see youtube video
Inclusive Integrated Interconnected Interdisciplinary Intersectoral Intergenerational
GLoCal Knowledge Pot Academy values diversity of our planet in human and natural dimensions. Learnings integrate tools and techniques of safeguarding and protecting tangible and intangible natural and cultural heritage of the United N Also see youtube video ations Education Scientific and Cultural Organisation – UNESCO with the education tools and techniques of the National Geographic Learning Framework to empower and engage from preschoolers to policy makers into understanding and appreciation of the our planet and to advance holistic development solutions in an inclusive continuum.
GloCaL Knowledge Pot Lifelong Learning Academy provides novel perspectives and approaches and devises user-responsive models by amalgamating the principles and styles of multimedia and academic education and outreach.
Popularisation of Knowledge
Knowledge acquisition enters the realm of popular culture. It is treated not as a closetted and exclusive domain of a few but as an enjoyable pasttime for all through our highly acclaimed lifelong learning continuum to:
Explore Entertain Excite Educate Empower Engage
Services include customised user responsive course and curriculum conceptualisation, preparation of learning materials and modules and models of engagement.
Relevant & Replicable
We can develop and implement modelsand modules, tools and techniques for your personal or preofessional use that are relevant and replicable across fields, sectors, disciplines, generations, locales.
You can also access our ready made learnign materials, tools and techniques.
To request copies, readings or learning materials, click here
See video linked here or click on image below
It’s not a class! It’s an adventure!
And that’s no idle boast.
The lessons are lifelong, and are not age-specific. Participants could be ages 3 to 103.
We respect and value your knowledge and experience as much as you respect and value these efforts or you would not be here.
Our aim is to nurture generations of independent critical thinkers, so all knowledge and experience count.
Together we build skills drawing on yours and our knowledge and experience, to suit targeted needs.
Novel learning journeys for all
In our Glocal Knowledge Pot, our forms and formats range from our novel learning journeys and tours, where the classroom is the vast outdoor arena of exploration and building experience, to more traditional type classrooms, seminars and workshops. You come to us through this virtual platform or we come to you in your own environment
How it works
Discuss customisations you need.
Request your module.
Identify a time scheme from one hour to full term courses.
Our customised interactive creative courses for lifelong learning makes every education an enjoyable exciting experience of discovery.
Tailored to user interests and learning strengths for any age, we are tooling youth and retooling adults to meet the challenge of conscious sustainable development to create the world we want.
More on Interconnected Sustainable Development Life Long Learning Portal Here
More on incubator, youth and early primary and pre-primary learning opportunities Here.
More on Learning Journeys and LiTTours Here.
About Dr Kris Rampersad Here.
Preparing communities in Jamaica in developing natural and cultural heritage for conscious sustainable tourism as conservation of Blue and John Crow Mountains as World Heritage site. Safeguarding Bob Marley’s legacy and Reggae as Intangible Heritage of Humanity

Remind leaders of strengths of diversity -