We offer many novel angles and opportunities for Creative Partnerships.
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All our initiatives are novel. We transform the mundane into meaningful making every opportunity a momentous life-defining moment. Prepare for the Post Pandemic Planet with new vision: Inclusive, Integrated, Interconnected, Interdisciplinary, Intersectoral and InterGenerational.
Reach from village into a world of opportunity.
Carft and carve a space for next generations in the global arena with cutting edge initiatives.
All our partnership opportunities are customised to your interests, service, or industry to enhance your CSR. click here. Contact to Make A request
There is something for everyone at the GLoCaL Knowledge Pot.
Whether it is for your own family or organisation, we can tailor knowledge information research, reviews, content development services and requests to your needs.

Seminars, Workshops, Lifelong Learning & Learning Journeys
It’s a virtual world. Digitise your content. Customised your service offerings.
ReEnvision Your Organisation Strategy Policy or Community Outreach
Re-envision your corporate or other strategy, policy, approach.
Service and Product Research and Development Opportunities
Upgrade your skills.
Develop online or general media content.
Enhance Your Presentations
Sponsor an Activity, Group or District
Service Learning

With education precariously threatened by the Pandemic, Service learning is a novel concept to educate the next generation while targetting direct issues and problems, serving your community and enhancing your community outreach.
Locate yourself in the world of product and services anew through customised service learning activities that include: care for the elderly and others, caring for the planet. Initiatives available for your target communites from preschool to policy makers. Make contact to explore what works for you.
Enhance your community outreach with novel corporate community educational service offerings.

Become A Part of the Virtual World
Retailor your content for webinars, seminars, courses, learning programmes, facilitation to prepare for next generation of leaders for the post pandemic planet.
Get Out Into The Community
Let’s have a tea party! In Boston, near a Rabbit Hole or somewhere near you!
What you can achieve with a novel sip of inspiration! Whether to escape into fantasy or to explore avenues for development, you, your guests and clients will be asking for more. For any age, industry, interest, or discipline. Available By Request only.
History has been known to be created around cake, or a tea party. So let’s have one and see where it takes us. Ask about our Novel Sips of Inspiration!
You can support these efforts to prepare the next generation for leadership and communities in disaster risk management and safeguarding knowledge and heritage.
Join us and sponsor project activities. Indicate your interest Click here
Sponsorship Opportunities
There is a vast open arena of service learning and community service available to enhance your reach into the post pandemic planet.
In this time of or sponsor copies of books. Indicate your interest Click here
Sponsor development of our portal and products. Indicate your interest Click here
Ask about our bulk and other discounts, and special product placement advertising opportunities. See our novel collaborative arrangements Indicate your interest Click here
Explore the product page Go to this link.
Bulk Discounts
Functioning from a small island, where much of the systems and processes for developing new media materials are underdeveloped, we can only survive with your support. Inquire or make requests here.
Special Product Placement and Advertising Opportunities
Ask about our special partnerships and collaborations for corporations, groups, education associations and bulk discounts. Donate to support developments of our multimedia virtual museum and lifelong learning academy

Donate to support developments of our multimedia virtual museum and lifelong learning academy.
1.00 $
Partner with us in developing our multimedia learning academy, virtual museum and galleries of our interconnected heritage and developing our educational materials and delivering outreach that promote meaningful interconnections of various sectors.

We can customise our service offerings to your industry, interest or service sector to ensure it has novel social, cultural and community impact.
Or Let us develop your legacy event into an occasion to remember

Customised Legacy Tours and Journeys

Let us develop a special legacy heritage tour of your product or sector that locate you and showcase your competitive edge in your industry or a LiTTour or other learning journey for your community of interest. See video below. See our hertiage tour page.
Or if you are planning a trip, we can also direct you to some sites that will have your generations talking.
Let us develop your education initiative and lifelong learning opportunities and craft a seminar, workshop or learning journey tailored to your industry, interest, clients and community – for any age, field, discipline or locale. Make a Request here.

All our initiatives are novel. Find out more!
About Dr Kris Rampersad
Dr Kris Rampersad is an independent international scholar, award-winning journalist, global thought leader and consultant who straddles spheres of media, culture and education as an expert on integrated sustainable developmental issues of the CARIBBEAN, SIDS, Developing World and the Global South. A Commonwealth Professional Fellow an Fellow of Wolfson College, Cambridge, Indian Institute of Mass Communication and Foreign Press Centre with a PhD in Pre and Post Colonial Literature, she invented the world’s newest creative genre, the MultiMedia MicroEpic that adopts and adapts the long-form classical epic for short-form new media which she piloted to the Commonwealth Scholars Forum at the height of the Covid-19 Pandemic.
Her web platform, the GloCaL Knowledge Pot features her developing multimedia expositions of CEIBA-EDUtainment, novel creations that blend education and entertainment for all ages and sectors from pre-school to policy-making through traditional, conventional and new media forms.
Dr Rampersad is a National Geographic Educator, UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage Facilitator, Global Woman Techmakers’ Ambassador, Google Digital Skills Ambassador and Small Island Innovators’ Ambassador. Internationally, she has served variously as President of the UNESCO Education Commission, Vice President of UNESCO Programme and External Relations Commission, Vice President and Independent Member of the Consultative Body to the InterGovernmental Committee on Intangible Cultural Heritage and Vice President of the Commonwealth Journalists’ Association. More at https://krisrampersad.com/explore-our-world/who-we-are/dr-kris-rampersad-connecting-glocal-cultures/
To support, sponsor or collaborate on developing online resources in the GloCal Knowledge Pot as CEIBA-EDUtainment and MultiMedia MicroEpic interactive initiatives, new investigative research, multimedia publications and productions and digitisation of journalistic, academic and socio-cultural archives and development of online resource base You can make contact and connect through her web portal GloCaL Knowledge Pot, www.krisrampersad.com; as KrisRampersad on LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube and Pinterest, KrisRampersad1 on Facebook and @Krisramp on X/Twitter.