In I the Sky & Me the Sea Singalong The Adventures of Munnie Book 1
MUNNIE, an adventurous Butterfly explores new lands and makes new friends.
In Book 1, I the Sky and Me the Sea, Munnie meets Danny a Dragonfly. These two Best Flitter-Flutter Friends (BFFFs) share different views of the world and learn to appreciate their differences. They celebrate the world of flitterers and flutterers, in a beautiful sing-along with the Sea and Sky. These delightful festival fables for all, take a close look at the diverse world. More about the Adventures of Munnie Butterfly & Danny Dragonfly here.
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The Festival Fables tell of our linkages to each other and to nature, through our natural and cultural heritage and help in understanding migration and cultures of other lands. Get curious in a world of diversity of interests, people, places, animals and many other things.
Subsecribe and stay tune to more from LOL GLoCal Knowledge Pot Sustainable Development Academy and Learning Laboratories here.
See Munnie Takes Animated Flight Here
Others in the Series:
Explosive Jenny Kicks ‘Em Out
Inside the Dragon’s Mouth
The Devil’s Woodyard ….. and many more ….
Also look out for the stimulating heritage travel adventure series on itnerconnected cultural heritage, POSTCARD FROM
Dr Kris Rampersad is also the author of LiTTscapes – Landscapes of Fiction.
Find out more and shop for Leaves of Life Festival Fables from Dr Kris Rampersad Amazon Author Page linked here
Explore I the Sky & Me the Sea Singalong The Adventures of Munnie and Digital & Multimedia Downloads & Interactive Activities & Events (Book Sessions with Dr Kris)
Partner with us to develop our Academy and Learning Laboratory.
Stay Tune for more about I the Sky & Me the Sea Singalong The Adventures of Munnie Book 1 and more Adventures of Munnie and Danny through multimedia with animation and music, and interactive colouring, activity and workbooks to stimulate critical thinking and creative imagination and join the author in exciting sessions at the Leaves of Life Global, Local, Caribbean (LOL GLOC@L) Knowledge Pot at www.krisrampersad.com.
About the Author
DR KRIS RAMPERSAD is an award-winning international author, educator and journalist. She is a cultural heritage specialist who has explored many lands. Her special interest is presenting the rich and vibrant global multicultural milieu and interconnected heritage to children from ages 3 to 103. Read More about Dr Kris here.
Lifelong Learning Development Platform
EXPLORE EXCITE ENTERTAIN. EDUCATE EMPOWER with Multimedia Heritage Educator, Dr Kris Rampersad. The website offers Lifelong, Interactive Leaning Tools for all. Build Self-Esteem. Intangible learnings with think tools! Stimulate Imagination Curiosity & Confidence. Learn to Respect! Care! Understand! Appreciate! ThinkTools: Colours. Sounds. Shapes. Words. Rhymes. Listen. Read. React. Respond. Share. Spell.
Develop Literacy & Numeracy skills and integrated approach to The Arts, Mathematics, Music, Science, Nature, History, Heritage, Culture, Language, Literature, in every Adventure. Visit our Interactive MultiMedia Gallery.
For Sessions with the Author, Colouring & Activity Books Learning Journeys, Virtual Tours, Events, and to make a request, share your thoughts or to keep track of exciting new releases, Subscribe to the Website www.krisrampersad.com.
A Few More Words From the Author: 
Stories were the first form of journalism. They inspired my entry into journalism and study of literatures and travel through many lands. My father told us stories from his imagination every night as children growing up in the Caribbean. The story of Munnie and her world of travels began as I wrote for my Nephew, Saiesh, when he was only three years old. I found it difficult to convey the realities of many of the children’s books available to stimulate his creativity and imagination from not one but multiple dimensions. His mom read the stories to him. He was its first critic. He grew into an avid reader. His enthusiastic reception and wish for more encouraged these Festival Fables. Read about Saiesh’s achievements here.
Over the last decade, these Munnie stories inspired other children in oral traditions of storytime, theatre workshops, and in my activities as an independent educator and journalist trying to stimulate interests in reading and cultural heritage in stimulating literary tributes and tours (LiTTributes & LiTTours) – our Reading Room Outside the Reading rooms, available on request in any city.
The purpose is to integrate entertainment with education, nurturing curiosity while encouraging appreciation of diversity, respect, value and appreciation of others. I now move the stories from private to the public spheres to be available to all. I hope these encourage family activities with children, even while they integrate new technologies with multimedia animation, musical and dramatized versions. Subscribe to my website www.krisrampersad.com for more exciting, entertaining, educational interactive lifelong learning materials and events. Contact me for bookings and downloadable activity workbooks for all ages.
It’s GLOC@l – Global, Local, Caribbean Travels an Adventures for All
The multicultural canvas of the broad Caribbean, its diaspora across the Americas, Asia-Pacific, Europe and Africa, and its interconnections with the globe through Atlantic and Pacific Oceans form the backdrop of a new series of Fables.
In I the Sky & Me the Sea, Book 1 of Leaves of Life Festival Fables, MUNNIE, an adventurous butterfly explores new lands and makes new friends. She meets Danny a Dragonfly. These two Best Flitter-Flutter Friends (BFFFs) share different views of the world and learn to appreciate their differences. They celebrate the world of flitterers and flutterers, in a beautiful sing-along with the Sea and Sky.
Visually and aurally appealing with refreshing insights into our interconnections, the new Festival Fables are written by award-winning international heritage educator and journalist, Dr Kris Rampersad. (https://krisrampersad.com/; amazon.com/author/krisrampersad). Even before its release, the Fables have already received kudos, having been named a winner in an international short story contest for its musicality.
Dr Rampersad is an award-winning international author, educator and journalist. She is a cultural heritage specialist trained by the United Nations Educational, Science and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) who has explored many lands. Her special interests are presenting the rich and vibrant global multicultural milieu and interconnected heritage of the world and stimulating the imaginations of children from ages 3 to 103.
Encourage Curiosity & Critical Thinking
With captivating dialogue, startling scenery, and memorable singalongs, this is the kind of novel new age early childhood reading material that may appeal to Disney, Sesame Street, parents, teachers and others working to inspire our inner youth. With broad global appeal, the stories at the same time, fill a need in the Caribbean, for intelligent material that stimulate curiosity and creative thinking, promote cultural confidence and self-esteem and build resilience against many of life’s challenges from an early age.
Returning Confidence to Imagine an Create
“The Fables are meant to restore and faith in our imaginations to help us unearth our innate superpowers and strengthen us through the many life challenges we face,” said Dr Rampersad. She noted that these are part of her collective knowledge pot of material that sit as the foundation of her outreach initiatives, Leaves of Life.
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These delightful festival fables for all take a close look at the diverse world. They explore our linkages to each other and to nature, through interconnected natural and cultural heritage. They help understand migration, peoples and cultures of many lands. They entice readers to unearth their innate superpowers by encouraging curiosity about our world and everything in it.
Subtly injected into the story, young readers can learn colours, shapes, numbers and word appreciation, enjoy rhyme schemes, word play, puns and sharp insights into human nature as well as sharpen listening and observation skills, sensitivity to natural sights and sounds and be awed with refreshing wonders in our world.
Though simple Fables, they incorporate an integrated vision of merging perceptions of the arts and science, environment, numeracy, literacy, cultures and heritage, and treat them not as separate disciplines, but holistically, as an interconnected collective whole.
Foster intangible skills: Care, Respect, Value
They also foster other intangible skills: to listen, observe, care, respect and appreciate.
Dr Rampersad said they aim to subtly transmit critical thinking with lifelong learning tools that break down established biases and prejudices. Workshops, workbooks and learning tools to accompany the books will replace defective forms of receiving and viewing the world with novel ways to integrate diverse disciplines.
“I hope to awaken and stimulate confidence in our imaginations to imagine and inculcate new values of our interconnections and create the world we want,” she said in an interview.
Develop innate superpowers
Said Dr Rampersad. “The stories are expressions of my inner child as I hope they draw out the same in readers of any all age. The world is grappling for an integrated vision for sustainable development. We are trying to advance development that encourages us to use resources that serve our current needs, while replenishing so these can be enjoyed by future generations. However, much of the current generations are inducted in ways of thinking and feeling and being that go against sustainable ethics. The challenge has been how to reverse what existing educational materials have done to promote this sense of wholeness from an early age and redirect early childhood thinking and feeling about the world from notions of separateness to concepts of collective oneness. These tales, while they are enjoyable and easy to read, present the many fields of study as a united whole, rather than separate them into subjects as our school systems do. By this I hope they work to revise how we think about our place in the world, our innate superpowers, and how we view and value each other. The stories have all been presented and tested with real pre-kindergarten children, drawing out their responses. The multimedia lifelong learning tools that accompany each story are designed for various age groups, so readers, parents, child carers, and teachers, discover new elements in all of their favourite Festival Fables that grow with them. They are made for children from ages three to 103, under the umbrella of our Leaves of Life GLOC@l Knowledge Pot – a world of knowledge and new lifelong learning materials drawn from my Global, Caribbean to Local engagements. Look out for others in this series, as well as other exciting new collections of stories of other lands and landmarks.
Rampersad promises others in the series. Book 2 to be released soon: The GREAT GREEN ONE-EYED GIANT.
Also look out for the stimulating heritage travel adventure series POSTCARD FROM by Dr Kris Rampersad.
Singalongs of I the Sky and Me the Sea
I the Sky and Me the Sea – The Adventures ofMunnie Butterfly and Danny Dragonfly, Book 1 by Dr Kris Rampersad is available on Amazon (amazon.com/author/krisrampersad).
Other exciting travel experiences through multimedia with animation and music, and interactive colouring Interactive learning tools and sessions with the author are available through https://krisrampersad.com.
Explore the Adventures of Munnie and Danny and, fun activity workbooks and lifelong learning tools. to stimulate critical thinking and creative imagination. Join the author in stimulating sessions at her knowledge portal, Leaves of Life Global, Local, Caribbean (LOL GLOC@L) Knowledge Pot, www.krisrampersad.com.
DR KRIS RAMPERSAD is an award-winning international author, educator and journalist. She is a cultural heritage specialist trained by the United Nations Educational, Science and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) who has explored many lands. Her special interests are presenting the rich and vibrant global multicultural milieu and interconnected heritage of the world and stimulating the imaginations of children from ages 3 to 103.
EXPLORE ENTERTAIN EXCITE EDUCATE EMPOWER with Multimedia Heritage Educator, Dr Kris Rampersad. The website offers Lifelong, Interactive Leaning Tools for all. Build Self-Esteem. Intangible learnings with think tools! Stimulate Imagination Curiosity & Confidence. Learn to Respect! Care! Understand! Appreciate!
ThinkTools: Colours. Sounds. Shapes. Words. Rhymes. Listen. Read. React. Respond. Share. Spell.
Develop Literacy & Numeracy skills and integrated approach to The Arts, Mathematics, Music, Science, Nature, History, Heritage, Culture, Language, Literature, in every Adventure.
Visit our Interactive MultiMedia Gallery. For Sessions with the Author, Colouring & Activity Books Learning Journeys, Virtual Tours, Events, and to make a request, share your thoughts or to keep track of exciting new releases, Subscribe to the Website www.krisrampersad.com.
Message from the Author:
Stories were the first form of journalism. They inspired my entry into journalism and study of literatures and travel through many lands.
My father told us stories from his imagination every night as children growing up in the Caribbean.
The story of Munnie and her world of travels began as I wrote for my Nephew, Saiesh, when he was only three years old. I found it difficult to convey the realities of many of the children’s books available to stimulate his creativity and imagination from not one but multiple dimensions. His mom read the stories to him. He was its first critic. He grew into an avid reader. His enthusiastic reception and wish for more encouraged these Festival Fables. Over the last decade, these Munnie stories inspired other children in oral traditions of storytime, theatre workshops, and in my activities as an independent educator and journalist trying to stimulate interests in reading and cultural heritage in stimulating literary tributes and tours (LiTTributes & LiTTours) – our Reading Room Outside the Reading rooms, available on request in any city. The purpose is to integrate entertainment with education, nurturing curiosity while encouraging appreciation of diversity, respect, value and appreciation of others. I now move the stories from private to the public spheres to be available to all. I hope these encourage family activities with children, even while they integrate new technologies with multimedia animation, musical and dramatized versions. Subscribe to my website www.krisrampersad.com.
Authors Preface
The story of Munnie and her world of travels began unfolding as I wrote for my Nephew, Saiesh, when he was only three years old. I found it difficult to convey the realities of many of the children’s books available to stimulate his creativity and imagination from not one but multiple dimensions. He was its first critic. He grew into an avid reader. His enthusiastic reception and wish for more encouraged these Fables.
Over the last decade, these Munnie stories inspired other children in oral traditions of storytime, theatre workshops, and in my activities as an independent educator and journalist trying to stimulate interests in reading and cultural heritage. The purpose then as now is to integrate entertainment with education, nurturing curiosity while encouraging appreciation of diversity, respect, value and appreciation of others. From this long gestation, they are now reborn in print form. Stories were the first form of journalism. My father told us stories he spun from his imagination night after night when we were children growing up in a rural district in the Caribbean. I hope these encourage that kind of family activities with children, even while they integrate new technologies with multimedia animation, musical and dramatized versions in the making. Subscribe to my website www.krisrampersad.com for new ways of using these stories, new learnings forms and participate in interactive sessions, with new activities and exciting online and events.
MUNNIE, an adventurous Butterfly, explores new lands and make new friends in this delightful new series for children.
In the first of these New Age Festival Fables, Songs of I the Sky and Me the Sea, Munnie meets Danny a Dragonfly. These two become Best Flitter-Flutter Friends (BFFFs). They share different views of the world and learn to appreciate their differences. They celebrate the world of flitterers and flutterers, in a beautiful sing-along with the Sea and Sky.
Pumped with joy of living, the Caribbean is the canvas as a meeting place of the world in these New Age Fables meant to develop early childhood sensibilities to the complex and diverse world in which we live.
Re-Envisioning Early Childhood Education
The series represent a remarkable departure from conventional approaches to children’s education that sacrifice understandings of the intricacies of life. While each is a simple and enjoyable Fable, each story explores and responds to the complex fabric of our interrelations and connections to others and the natural and cultural universe, that are discernible even to children. The series adopts an integrated approach to early childhood teachings and learnings, with exposure to a range of fields spanning numeracy and literacy and the tangible and intangible natural and cultural universe.
They nurture and feed early curiosity about the diversity in the world around us. They tell of our linkages to each other and to nature, through our natural and cultural heritage. Be prepared to discover the extraordinary in the ordinary, adventure in the everyday routine.
Interdisciplinary thoughtful material
In keeping with preparation for understanding, valuing, respecting and appreciating and grappling with the challenges of the inherent diversity in our communities, they treat with a range of disciplines simultaneously. The arts, sciences, mathematics, geography, geology, anthropology, archaeology, heritage, history, environment, ecology are all part of the collective creative canvas on which these pages unfold. All this through simple, enjoyable reading material to stimulate and feed a child’s curiosity about the world around with quick, thoughtful and intelligent responses.
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The story of Munnie and her world of travels first began unfolding for my Nephew, Saiesh, when he was only three years old. He was its first critic and his enthusiastic reception and demands for more encouraged the unfolding of these stories. In the decade of gestation, it was pitched to children of many age groups. This tested how it may be utilised and applied to broader social educational and entertainment functions of nurturing curiosity, while encouraging reading, it was. Storytelling in the Park. was adapted and dramatized by the Trinidad Theatre Workshop for a special interface with underprivileged children through the Rotary Club
Get curious in a world of diversity of interests, people, places, animals and many other things. Others in the Series: Book 2: The GREAT GREEN ONE-EYED GIANT
Coming Soon, Other in the Series: Munnie MultiCultural Musical Masquerade:
Inside the Dragon’s Mouth
The Devil’s Woodyard
Dinosaur Tales … and many more.
Get all the Adventures of Munnie and Danny. Explore the multimedia series with animation and music, and interactive colouring, activity and workbooks to stimulate critical thinking and creative imagination. Join the author in exciting sessions.
DR KRIS RAMPERSAD is an award-winning author, educator and journalist from Trinidad and Tobago. She is a cultural heritage specialist who has explored many lands. Her special interest is presenting the rich and vibrant global multicultural milieu and interconnected heritage to children from ages 3 to 103.
EXPLORE EXCITE ENTERTAIN. EDUCATE EMPOWER with Multimedia Heritage Educator, Dr Kris Rampersad. Visit Leaves of Life Glocal, Local, Caribbean (LOL GLOC@L) Knowledge Pot at www.krisrampersad.com.
Lifelong, Interactive Learning Tools
Ages 3-6 ImagineTools Colours. Sounds. Shapes. Words. Rhymes.
AGES 5-8 ThinkTools: Listen. Read. React. Respond. Share. Spell
For Any Age: Build Self-Esteem Learn To: Respect. Care. Understand. Appreciate. Think! Imagine!In Every Adventure find The Arts, Mathematics, Music, Science, Nature, History, Heritage, Culture, Literature, Language.
Leaves of Life GLOC@l Knowledge Pot is located at www.krisrampersad.com.
Find More Adventures. Explore Our Interactive MultiMedia Gallery. For Sessions with the Author, Colouring & Activity Books Learning Journeys, Virtual Tours, Events, Subscribe to the Website. To make a request or to keep track of exciting new releases visit www.krisrampersad.com.
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Munnie in the News
The Adventures of Munnie is capturing the imagination of newsmakers too! See Munnie in the News.
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