Demokrissy: Death of Knowledge and Social Conscience In The Time Of The Immortelles: For Irma,… More info...
Just when the immortelles, yellow pink lilac poui in their blaze of glory mock the raging...
DO IT WITHOUT CLOTHES By Verna St. Rose-Greaves – National Workers UnionThe web site of the National...
India: The anarchy of simple living (more…)
As the newspaper as a media sits at its fin de siecle, it forces one to question...
White Christmas turned blue ….friends, relatives and acquaintainces in Toronto and in Canada pls check in… (more…)
Be it resolved that from this day hence all Caribbean And Trinidad and Tobago and CARICOM parliaments...
Rediscoverie new Worlds Among My Books. I was dreading dusting off my library to make room for...
Give the gift of knowledge and identity gift LiTTscapes - Landscapes of Fiction
Sitting in a small island behind phone and email, steering populations to move governments - Dr Kris...