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Pokney From the Pyre PM Panday Patni/Wife Progeny Poke Patriarchy
Presence of Panday’s Patni/wife and Progeny at Hindu pyre cremation implications for cultural practice, discrimination and violence against women and boys' education

Pokney from the Pyre PM Panday Pokes the Patriarch Persistent Prejudice against Patni/wife Progeny
Spread the love Demokrissy Blog at GLoCaL Knowledge Pot Winner of UNESCO/BBC/Communications Initiative Network Development Policy Blogging for New Media!
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Tags: Adaptation Basdeo Panday Boys Education Capacity Development Caribbean Caribbean Authors Caribbean culture education Creamtion cultural diversity Dare To Be Global Diversity Inclusion Strategy Hindu Funeral rites International Affairs Knowledge for Sustainable Development Mickela Panday migration Oma Panday Patriarchy Pokney society-forming Sugar Cane Women Leadership