The impacts of COVID 19 on the rights of minorities, marginalised, migrants and other disadvantaged and underprivileged...
Culture, Policy, Education, Sustainable Development, UN, Diversity, UNESCO, World Heritage, Diversity, Cultural Expressions
The Caribbean Action Plan for World Heritage Considering interregional cooperation within the framework of the Small Islands...
Dr Kris Rampersad facilitates Workshop on community based inventorying of Intangible Cultural Heritage Inventory of traditions important...
Novel Culture & Gender Sensitive Legacy Initiatives Partnerships for Peace Support Sponsor Collaborate Capacity Development Training Outreach...
Sycophant is a word branded in the political landscape of underdevelopment. It is defined literarily in...
Satire on interpretations and mis/representations of the culture sector, creative economy through creative accounting and management in...
The place of the human in a world traumatised by diminishing social, environmental, political and equitable economic...
Columbus, and the colonial legacy embedded in psyche, landscapes and institutions and monuments of memory. Some ...
Bridging the Distance in Social Distancing is a quarantine-safe and social distancing friendly lifelong learning initiative. It...
WorldPulse featured Ambassador, Dr Kris Rampersad on how women leaders can transform the spheres of power...