Making real the vision of a new society where 'every creed and race finds an equal place'...
The reduction of the values of democracy through the ages in principle and practice
WorldPulse featured Ambassador, Dr Kris Rampersad on how women leaders can transform the spheres of power...
Dr Kris Rampersad education to redress lingering dependence syndrome in media in post colonial societies, retrains for...
Cultural attitudes and behaviour nurtured and conditioned by legal and policy instruments analyses by Dr Kris Rampersad
A prophesy of the Pandemic Climate Change Action Culture Sensitivity in Flood Relief
Is this whole...
Prophetic prophesies of politics and People empowerment the political climate change, blowing winds of change over the...
Anyone know of a local alternative to #Microsoft and some other #software and #hardware technologies and upgrades?...
Who say you cyar fight City Hall Gender Sensitive Intercultural Education and the Power Politics
In a situation where some 50 percent did not vote and whose vote can go anywhere,...