On World Folklore Day When Open AI is Not Open Minded! Dr Kris Rampersad takes on...
Sustainable Development
Top three reasons science celebrates the artistry of leftehanders read more www.krisrampersad.com
Happy world Steelpan Day August 11 Intercultural Education through our musical and other traditions with Dr Kris...
I stood under the World Intellectual Property Tree massively displayed at the World Intellectual Property Organisation’s Booth...
You might not think that Cheese has the Chemistry to foster togetherness, but the International Chemistry Olympiad...
Happy Fourth of July American Day of Independence our interconnected heritage join us
When we celebrate our arrival, we celebrate the bravery of crossing over to the unknown. We celebrate...
Safeguarding Cultural Diversity in Digital Age Happy International Day of Diversity for Dialogue & Development
Congratulations, Kris Rampersad, you’ve earned a spot in the top 1% of rising creators … When Facebook...
Dare To Be A Woman Agent of Change by eliminating bias and streotyping in technology and even...