In the cut and thrust of a toxic political culture with a petticoat obsession that leaves many-a-knickers-in-a-twist,...
Caribbean Women Prime Ministers
You do not need millions of followers to Impact the World. How our mothers did it Message...
Dare To Be A Woman Agent of Change by eliminating bias and streotyping in technology and even...
International Gender Strategist Dr Kris Rampersad provides insights into working to Break The Bias and the prospects,...
Novel Culture & Gender Sensitive Legacy Initiatives Partnerships for Peace Support Sponsor Collaborate Capacity Development Training Outreach...
Suicide Power Leadership and Development The spectre of 18-18 dreaded deadlock and Article 18 At...
NETWORK FOR NGOS CONGRATULATES WOMEN | WIN Communication Network E-News Grow Safeguard Preserve Create A MultiMedia Legacy...
With rapidly changing technologies in media, many of our knowledge resources are fast disappearing or becoming inaccessible....
Review of Through the Political Glass Ceiling by Dr Kris Rampersad in Open Salon
Assessment of challenges towards gender equality and elimination of gender based violence, institutional deficit and women in...