Dr Kris Rampersad Rewriting the Columbus story, with the missing links..original research as the First Peoples host...
Global Diversity Inclusion Strategy
Oxford Dictionary expands its vocabulary into contentious frontiers -- satirical tweets from Dr Kris Rampersad
As the newspaper as a media sits at its fin de siecle, it forces one to question...
Iron Lady or Iron Ladies ladies of the British Empire
Media experiences in the Caribbean are little documented and our archives are fast disappearing
Creativity of the islands of the Antilles with LiTTscapes - Landscapes of Fiction in LiTTribute to...
tributes to the creative heritage of the Caribbean to be staged by author of LiTTscapes – Landscapes...
Dr Kris Rampersad on the emergence of Indian voices onto the political and literary landscapes of the...
Dear Lizzie, Monarchs and me beware...
Scouts and district councillors get LiTTour of their district and Sangre Grande with readings of LiTTscapes Landscapes...