Welcome to CEIBA-Cyborgia Citizens of the Imagined Nation of CEIBA Cyborg Convergence

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CEIBA-Cyborgia is my ImaginedNation where AuthenThink Intel meaningfully integrates with Artificial Intelligence, Analyses guided by Ethics in AnalyEthics. Here, in this world of convergence, Traditions Net Technologies, Education Embraces Entertainment in CEIBA-EDUtainment and Truth trumps Fake.

It is spawned from the unresourced imagination, left to wander freely into depths of thoughts and unbridled action for change. It aims to cull next generation leaders into CEIBA-Cyborgs who appreciate equally the values of knowledge from human traditions and machine-based technologies.

AuthenThink Intel

AuthenThink Intel –  didn’t just fall from ah coconut tree

AuthenThink Intel, like Artificial Intelligence, didn’t just fall from ah coconut tree! It has a long history and context that coincides with my own evolution as the evolution of the media, education, culture and new technologies of our times.

It is a branch of CEIBA-EDUtainment that I introduced in the wake of the Pandemic when education and information needed to be shaken to the reality that the possibilities and potentials of mingling uses of technologies in education to relieve learners from boring plethora of pdfs. This developed on creation of the MultiMedia MicroEpic – the proof in the pudding that has come to be known as the world’s newest creative genre, introduced to the Commonwealth Scholars’ Forum held online under Pandemic lockdown conditions.  It belongs to my family of innovations that encompasses the award-winning pioneering development policy blogging for new media, Demokrissy which is the outreach and advocacy branch, growing out of my twinning citizen journalism and the blossoming of the field of Communications for Development to translate development ideas, agenda setting, policy and decision making to actionable programmes and projects.

These are couched in this GloCal Knowledge Pot, portal which, as a multipurpose intergenerational and intersectoral knowledge facility is developing to unite the sciences and the arts to bridge traditions and technologies which earned it accolades as a winner in the Lumination Tech Challenge.

The notion of AuthenThink Intel AnalyEthics did not just fall from a coconut tree! It spans my lifetime, part of my evolution of new ways of using and applying knowledge with tools and techniques to move ideas to action embedded in my village cultural upbringing rooted in agriculture and earthly reverence.

Its core motivation is uprooting notions of inferior and superior knowledge and knowledge systems and inequalities in treatment of knowledge and knowhow that are deeply embedded in our colonial systems, a subject which I scrutinise intensely in my doctoral thesis. This attitude perniciously persist into the AI era, and are in danger of being further embedded into the new technologies by those better resourced and with dominant access to its technologies.

This novel creation of AuthenThink Intel AnalyEthics for culling new and future leadership in skills of critical and creative thinking, cultural confidence and resilience for the tsunamic floods of fad and flux before us.

It didn’t just fall from ah coconut tree

AuthenThink Intel, like Artificial Intelligence didn’t just fall from ah coconut tree! It has a long history and context that coincides with my own evolution as the evolution of the media, education, culture and new technologies of our times.

It is a branch of CEIBA-EDUtainment that I introduced in the wake of the Pandemic when education and information needed to be shaken to the reality that the possibilities and potentials of mingling uses of technologies in education to relieve learners from boring plethora of pdfs. This developed on creation of the MultiMedia MicroEpic – the proof in the puddingIthat has come to be known as the world’s newest creative genre, introduced to the Commonwealth Scholars’ Forum held online under Pandemic lockdown conditions.   

This journey in integrating new media technologies with the skills and knowledge gleaned from straddling the spheres of Journalism and Education – both largely distinct and separate disciplines before the Pandemic had its own process. It belongs to my family of innovations that encompasses the award-winning pioneering development policy blogging for new media, Demokrissy. Demokrissy  has become the outreach and advocacy branch, growing out of my twinning citizen journalism and the blossoming of the field of Communications for Development to translate development ideas, agenda setting, policy and decision making to actionable programmes and projects.

These are couched in the GloCal Knowledge Pot, a portal which as a multipurpose intergenerational and intersectoral knowledge facility that unites the sciences and the arts to bridge traditions and technologies. It was named a winner of the Lumination Tech Challenge. To keep track of developments and innovations and deeper understanding of AuthenThink Intel and AI AnalyEthics in this page:

CEIBA EDUtainment

AuthenThink Intel is a branch of CEIBA-EDUtainment, the creative bridge I developed in the wake of the Pandemic lockdown that brought sharper focus on the merger of education and information.

Schooled in the tight-lipped upper-crust British learning traditions that heap scorn on community and grassroots knowledge holders, educators, in the main have been colonised culturally to hold media in disregard, and suspect as a competing medium of socialisation, culturation and knowledge transmission.

I introduced CEIBA-EDUtainment in the wake of the Pandemic when education and information needed to be shaken to the reality that the possibilities and potentials of mingling uses of technologies in education to relieve learners from boring plethora of pdfs. This developed on creation of the MultiMedia MicroEpic.

Its embryonic manifestation is in my creation of what has been dubbed the world’s newest creative genre, the MultiMedia MicroEpic.

MultiMedia MicroEpic

The MultiMEdia MicroEpic was spawned in the Pandemic panic, the reaction by educators and its administrators when forced to conduct online classes, with little available relevant online learning materials and forcefed students PDF’s as the sum total of tech based education.

As proof is in the pudding, I created the world’s newest creative genre, the MultiMedia MicroEpic, introduced to the Commonwealth Scholars’ Forum held online under Pandemic lockdown conditions.

The MultiMedia MicroEpic was motivated by the need to shake the education sector into a reality beyond PDFs, to the possibilities and potentials that new media technologies offered to education.

It encompasses all the structural and conceptual elements of the classical long form epic adapted for short form new media.

The pioneering first form of the MultiMedia MicroEpic is the shortform MultiMedia MicroEpic Biopic.

It encapsulates my life’s endeavours, trials and triumphs in 6.5 minutes. It is part of the magnus opus, the MultiMedia MicroEpic – MotherContinent, in creation. It will recreate the trials and triumphs of humankind in its age of the Anthropocene, in like manner where the classical epic meets new media to expose the main markers of our age.

InterSections of Media, Culture & Education

This journey in integrating new media technologies with the skills and knowledge gleaned from straddling the spheres of Journalism and Education – both largely distinct and separate disciplines before the Pandemic had its own process.

There are treated as disciplines not just for knowledge in its own right but for knowledge necessary for application to address development dilemmas of our times!


Demokrissy, the outreach advocacy arm grew out of joint emergence of citizen journalism and the blossoming of the field of Communications for Development which I have been instrumental in culling into a successful and award-winning form for service to the goals of Communications for Development.

First hosted on the blogger platform, it is now integrated into the Leaves of Life GloCal Knowledge Pot.

Glocal Knowledge Pot

The GloCal Knowledge Pot is an online facility and resource meant to integrate the strands of knowledge and knowledge systems of our age. The notion of it as a facility that meshes traditions and technologies, to promote and advance intergenerational, interinstitutional and intersectional engagement.

From its seed in uniting knowledge systems spawned from traditions on the one hand and technologies on the other, it slowly grows with its Ceiba-EDUtainment and Demokrissy offsprings.

Its concept as a multipurpose portal for intergenerational engagement earned it winning status in the Lumination Tech Challenge.

It is the portal from which you can join this journey of AuthenThink AI AnalyEthics exploration and discovery, to cull new and future leadership in skills of critical and creative thinking, cultural confidence and resilience for the tsunamic floods of fad and flux before us.

It also includes latent branches under development. These include The Global Caribbean Creative & Literary Salon

Global Caribbean Creative & Literary Salon

Begun as the Caribbean Literary Salon, an online network of Caribbean writers, scholars and publishers. The changing media landscape and blossoming of social media with competing platforms and purposes have necessitated its evolution into the Global Caribbean Creative and Literary Salon. This will merge the literary, aural and oral creative arts through new media technologies, with novel creations and engagement opportunities for the creative multiverse.

This network of emerging and evolving knowledge systems fulfil the mandate of creative and exposition functions envisaged by development of Leaves of Life

Leaves of Life

Leaves of Life is a registered Non Profit in Trinidad and Tobago, aimed at bridging the knowledge divides to advance journalist, media, literary and creative arts and education.

Become a CEIBA Cyborg

CEIBA Cyborg is a Citizen of CEIBACyBorgia, my Imagined Nation where the arts and sciences unite in AuthenThink Intel and Artificial Intelligence.

Citizens of CEIBA Cyborgia are discerning, well-versed and tools in the arts of fact and fiction to triumphant over artfice of fakedom and figments of imagination spotlight hidden depths of reality through AuthenThink Intel AnalyEthics.

Passports to CEIBA Cyborgia are available to graduands of the AuthernThink Intel Academy

It gives access to laboratories, courses, course modules and new learning models that unites the arts and sciences through new media technologies

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