The Caribbean Action Plan for World Heritage Considering interregional cooperation within the framework of the Small Islands...
Dr Kris Rampersad facilitates Workshop on community based inventorying of Intangible Cultural Heritage Inventory of traditions important...
mDNA Ma's Melodies Mothers in the MultiMedia MicroEpic segment Motherlands MotherCultures MotherContinent sneak preview of the unfolding...
Dr Kris Rampersad pioneering creative genre the MultiMedia Micro Epic of the Anthropocene, to feature at the...
Making real the vision of a new society where 'every creed and race finds an equal place'...
Columbus, and the colonial legacy embedded in psyche, landscapes and institutions and monuments of memory. Some ...
Trending News! Kudos for Dr Kris GloCaL FEDs COVID Challenge named a global changemaker, 1 of...
Bridging the Distance in Social Distancing is a quarantine-safe and social distancing friendly lifelong learning initiative. It...
Journey to UNESCO Creative City of Music began with rickshaw ride and musical walk through Belmont,...
Does the Budget make you happier? By what creative and sustainable benchmarks can you evaluate a budget?...