Global villages, languages, cultures ands traditions will feature in 36-hours of continuous singing by different community groups...
world religions
World’s Largest Diaspora lights up as UK gets set to usher in 1st Indo- Prime Minister, Happy Divali

World’s Largest Diaspora lights up as UK gets set to usher in 1st Indo- Prime Minister, Happy Divali
UK gets first PM of Indian origin as World's Largest Diaspora and third largest religious denomination celebrate...
Shouldn't your client and customer base match our readership and viewership fan base? Contact the GloGal Knowledge...
The impacts of COVID 19 on the rights of minorities, marginalised, migrants and other disadvantaged and underprivileged...
The Caribbean Action Plan for World Heritage Considering interregional cooperation within the framework of the Small Islands...
Dr Kris Rampersad facilitates Workshop on community based inventorying of Intangible Cultural Heritage Inventory of traditions important...
Novel Forms Introduced in new Multimedia Epic Genre Film enthusiasts at Latino & Native American Film Festival...
Dr Kris Rampersad pioneering creative genre the MultiMedia Micro Epic of the Anthropocene, to feature at the...
Youths from this village research, recreate and resurrect ancient culture, beliefs and recreate arts, crafts and lifestyles,...
The Black Friday attacks in Paris in November 2015 occurred amidst Peacebuilding at UNESCO inside the halls...