Demokrissy-How-To-Morph-into-a-CEIBA-Cyborg-Authenthink-AI-AnalyEthics with Dr Kris Rampesad cover
‘Oh brave new AI world that there’s so much data in’t!’
Missed me since the Data Crash?
I am resurfacing, refreshed? invigorated? (the jury is out!) with new learnings, if not new knowledge. Having plunged into the deep dark waters of AI, Emerging Tech and Data Science, immersed myself in the unholy depths of alien codes and algorithms, I can say I am born again, this time a CEIBA Cyborg, perched on the lofty knowledge tree, futuring and Foresighting the Post-Anthropocene with AuthenThink Intel!
My intended title of this post is How To Morph Into A CEIBA Cyborg but my inner SEO guru cautions to contain the headlined language of my ImaginedNation, even as inclusive as it is of the new AI spheres into which we are now snared! Hence the sombre and sober title above!
Altered Reality

It is just one of the many ways that AI is altering our reality with binary computer language and infantile understanding of human experience, rewriting and retailoring our world as we know it – knowing and knowledge being the operational contexts.
This is what inspires and spawns this novel creation of AuthenThink Intel AnalyEthics for culling new and future Sustainablers with leadership in skills of critical and creative thinking, cultural confidence and resilience for the tsunamic floods of fad and flux before us. (But that will unfold later with an invitation for you to signal your interest in AuthenThink Intel AI AnalyEthics!
How To Morph into a CEIBA Cyborg Tempting the Tempest

So this native savage emersed in a psychedelic world of AI, takes a leap of not just faith – already a great deal of that rises with me much before dawn each day. It is a leap into a brave new ImaginedNation, the alternate reality for survival before our world as we know it is dismantled and atomised to its demise into the Post Anthropocene!
Now don’t be too hasty to cast me among the naysayers and prophetess of doom, nor a Caliban caught in a Tempest by a sorcerous AI Sycorax from whose spells I wish to wrestle and escape, dodging from irretrievable alteration of not just my art but my reality! Far from it.

Mission hmmm! Possible!
My Mission is more in line of the reincarnated, an avatar, so to speak, to transcend the gaps between the information age receding into a fast-fading past and soar through the cascading horizon with its crescendo call of new opportunities spelled out in the psychedelic spectrum of AI, Data Science and family of Big Data tools!
From ‘Hello World!’ to ‘I’ve Got You World!’
Propelled I was, into new dimensions of the proverbial rabbit hole, through a mire of math (urgh!) and stats (ewe!) and science (eek!), hurtling past the Jubjub bird sitting on neural networks of Tumtum Decision Trees in the Receding Forest Gump of my ImaginedNation – CEIBA Cyborgia!
Admittedly, that perhaps makes as little sense to most of you as James Joyce’s ultra-opaque Ullyses, or Wilson Harris’ forgotten Palaces of the Guiana Amazons and they were elusive even to the Nobel Committee.

But opacity, we are yet to teach machines, are the lens through which we elucidate reality, as any graduating CEIBA Cyborg worth the bark would come to know.
Why Can’t AI tutorials be in Interpretive Dance
Indeed, I spent most of the early days in the courses I would conquer in record time, and with a distinction, A, to boot (yippee!) wishing the tutorials could be represented as interpretive dance! With high aptitude for digging out the amazing multiplicity from layered meanings and hidden significance in verbal and non-verbal, oral and literary creations, that would have been much easier way for my AuthenThink neural networks to take charge of the contrived artificial neural networks and its binary maze of ones and zeros, instead of the course makers’ insistence on oxymoronic applications to reading stats and writing math!

And yes, although I am from an environment cultured in squeezing out independent thought, action, and free expression, that was one of the comments my uncontrollable moving finger punched out when asked for my musings through course exercises.
Can we do this as interpretive dance? The challenge is on!
Recreating the Human in Machines
If you guessed that I am toying with the comprehension abilities of the new God among us, the Almighty AI, of symbolic language, notions of proper and improper language structure, predictable expression and sequencing of words and the like, with my Jabberwocky JubJub, Tum-Tum analogies to make this as elusive as possible for this God to put together as Jekyll and Hyde’s attempt to recreate a human, you are right! (I would challenge any of my students to restructure this sentence into short concise sentence without losing its meaning!)
To dig into the data mines, I summoned tried and tested superpowers, drawing on techniques I devised and used to confront intrusive formulas and figures of maths and stats in high school, where it was instilled that these would be vital to, if not my future, certainly graduating into the workplace amidst the scoffs. ‘Humanities! Bahhhh! It is your capabilities with the Sciences that would be your future!’
Psst! (Hands cheekily over face!) Needless to say, especially as I was not allowed to partake my full off subject offerings from both the arts, and sciences – (‘Choose’, they commanded as they would through various other streams and courses of my life see One Night To Bloom) – I creatively took the course of action opposite to the dominant opinion and unsolicited and welcomed advice!

Now in similar context, I do now, as I did then, with copious cups of black coffee, not the pretty kind from imported and copycat food chains! Holding my nose and breath, I deep-dived into the murky depths of AI, Machine Learning, Cloud Computing, Data Analytics, Big Data, Cyber Security, BlockChain, Internet of Things and the like – Data Science in its broad scope, plunging into the dark holes of the dark arts.
Into the depths of the Dark Arts aka Science!

For what is Science if not a dark art, faking knowledge of the past and vision of the future when with each new discovery unfolds the evidence of the deeper mystery that is we?
Abdication of human capacity to machines has been the trend long before the Industrial Revolution and may be as old as the slothful Adam prelapsarian fall. His tardiness led Eve to pick the proverbial apple that doomed us all. So Evelike, left to my own devices with a world of knowledge unfolding … (ahem)!

It is indeed a signature pleasure to come into one’s own and what was long thought as a useless degree in the humanities and literary arts, suddenly finds a cause as a demigod of insights into the finer intricacies of what it means to be human – interpreted in self-expression, beyond self-experimenters of self-catheterisation and cauterisations – move over Jekyll and Hyde of Mary Shelly’s Frankenstein:

How dangerous is the acquirement of knowledge!…. It is true, we shall be monsters, cut off from all the world; but on that account we shall be more attached to one another. (Mary Shelley, Frankenstein)
Challenges to leaders and decision making
So now await the awakening, even as the world debate beyond self-driving cars, deepening automation of robotic-com Imand central for health car and education sectors deliriously open-up Chat GPT cheat sheets for examinations The dawning of realisation, I envisage, is near. It is one thing to have data – being fed in copious amounts to the machines – with a Western bias, nonetheless. But applying and adapting these to specific contexts and realities, injecting user-specific experiences, interweaving the complexities of thoughts, emotions and experiences that we gather and experience in our lifetime to make sound decisions, surely cannot be as elusive as circumnavigating Wilson Harris’ borderless life-death dimensions.
Curiosity Is What Does
Let me admit, I did not enter AI’s sphere just to add to my portfolio of digital tech skills of which I have acquired more than the average share over the years and from a small island where, well if you want to listen to a concert you have to build a concert hall – i.e. learn all the skills of construction along to satisfy the craving for the finer arts!
Blame it on this cursed natural genetic instinctive and impulsive legendary trait reputed to kill cats. I was curious to find out more about this newbie in the bonnet of Communications that viral adware was making out to be the next best thing since, you know, Europe stumbled upon dark chocolate and sugar cane and felt if processed and added to milk, it could become a killer not unlike the medicinal stolen from China and transformed into gunpowder to erase entire civilisations from our paths, or the new craze over turmeric that’s turning cures into kills. So it is with AI, a tool of vast possibilities that is being teased to transform the next generation into a zombie labour force of prompt engineer clones, senses already dulled my readily available legalized ganja, out of reach of the greater creative and transformative potential of the technologies for leveling, not widening the playing field, for disrupting not reinforcing the status quo!
But I’ve got you world!

Tweaking Stories inStories in Data Pics & Stats
As I tuned to the new learnings, I thought the ability to tweak stories from pictures, data and recognise stories inside statistics and well everywhere they exist, honed in journalism with a natural easy ability to communicate, even to get a ChatBot to churn out its best-programmed or GAN responses even without a Prompting Course, would be enough. Until I followed neural network pathways, stumbled into random forests with numerous like decision trees through the mangled mushy quagmire of tongue-twisting tech terms, to get there. Believe me, the experience has nothing of the exotic spooky creepy charm of navigating the neural networks of mangroves which Tobago tourist brochures deem ‘romantic.’
As you must be acutely, aware, Dear Patiently Bemused Readers, techies are not the best-equipped to make new words from old! Literarily speaking!
Ouch! Self-Experimenting! Injecting Poisonous AI into Neural Paths
As any over-curious under-resourced innovator, creator and change agent, who, if only to prove a novel theory subjected himself/herself to self-experimentation even if it meant consuming or injecting deadly poisons or untested paraphernalia as the catheter used to be, I confronted the Almighty AI!
I thought I had mastered and conquered the Information Industry, having over the years kept abreast of its myriad skills, until I met algorithms, that is!
Nevertheless, I surrendered to the AI beast through a multispectral gallery of microlearning. Mind you, each of these Lilliputian learnings are considered specialties in the now-evolving workforce that defines these as skills of super-intelligent beings. How far a distance we have traveled since Marx theorised about alienation from the fruits of one’s labours eh! May The Force Be With You!
Prepped as I am, I await, knowing that many an over-enthusiastic leader of peoplekind if not already will soon be feeling the bite of wildly chasing the bytes latest fad.

Small Islander masters Lilliputian Learnings
Of a small island, if you want to listen to a concert or see a play, as Pat Bishop or noble Derek Walcott would say, respectively, you have to build a concert/theatre hall. Thus I have been honed on the notion that I must skilling-up for each of the tasks my goal requires if I am to remain in the lead in my field. So over my decades in the information field – through community culture-based communication modes that passed traditions and practices millenniums to my small island village, into the field of conventional journalism and then into pioneering the then-budding field of applying tech tools to development communications with its unattractive acronym C4D, I have accumulated many unclaimed and undecorated skills that could earn me a few hundred more credentials – yes, I said hundreds.
Psst! There are quite a few untapped and unlabeled outlier skills for which microcourses have not been invented!
Gumption of Gump
Surely, I reasoned to myself during the courses of self-experimentation, if I could navigate the respective mysterious and mystical neural networks of interior (and exterior) monologues, parallelograms of invented phrases, puns and symbolic parallels into the dark heart sounds of the brain and emerge with trooping PhD colours, I could certainly mount, and tame, the pretentious and portentous Banshee on the Pandora of machine learning, AI, Big Data, Deep Fake and alight a Minotaura, a CEIBA-Cyborg citizen of the brave new SciTech Planet!
Easy is as easy does, to simplistically paraphrase the simplistic Gump.
AuthenThink Intel AnalyEthics
Like many scientists, creators, innovators, explorers and the like, intent on threading through dimensions no man, nor woman, has traversed, unresourced with uncontrollable genes of the curious, I braved the self-experiments, surrendered meandering thoughts to be containerised by Big Data’s scientific Cloud Computing. I gave myself up as a lab rat, a guinea pig, I did, to bring you the knowledge that henceforth unfolds.
I bear sheets and sheaves of certified proof, data wounds, coded scars, algorithmic scratches from such self-experiment, tests, quizzes, evaluations and assessments to show that I have wandered through the paths of new learnings. Immersed, I now emerge a Tiresian, a wandering teacher impelled to tell to whomsoever wishes to listen, or not, of such experiences, yet unattempted and unexplored in conventional long-form epic prose or verse.
It unfolds as I stand on the firmament of foundational AuthenThink AI AnalyEthics and will manifested in such new creations, as requiring its own epic form fit to the age, the MultiMedia MicroEpic!
Behind me smolders fermenting fields of random forests marked by artificial neural networked decision trees labeled by New and Emerging Tech and Data Science as AI, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Data Analytics, CyberSecurity, Big Data, Cloud Computing, BlockChain, Smart Tech and Internet of Things etc etc etc. (See full gallery of Certificates at the end of this blog)
Confessed Lifelong Learning Addict
Thus propelled, I persisted in polishing with new tech tools, a lifetime of experiences in Leadership, Management and Organisation, Project Management, Customer Relations and Support, Design Thinking; Sustainability, and Climate Change.
Interpersonal Skills – taken for granted as women’s intuition and the very many ways this gender keeps the universes in balance, even without equality and equity and reduced from its human scope, reformulates as a reductive human resource discipline of Diversity and Inclusion.
Significant self-development extrovert and introvert qualities as Mindfulness and Kindfulness that I thought endemic to my hardened core are now labeled and so tagged and certified as skills among a list of others a deluded and brainwashed humankind, the new technologists, academics and leaders of industry list as (drumroll) soft skills (smh!).
In the GloCAl Knowledge Pot of AuthenThink Intel AnalyEthics, these inglorious worlds now intersect, sometimes communally, sometimes jostling, with treasure troves of knowledge accumulated over the years in the panoramic fields of knowledge encompassed by information, communications, culture and their aural, oral, literary and visual renderings.
They merge to expand and enhance knowledge of languages of people-kind and our machines and mechanized tools: Python – not the snake but with its snaking and forked sets, subsets in parentheses, JavaScript – uncurling smoking spirals in scripts like drawn tea leaves unfurling aromatic essence, HTML and CSS, hyped and cascading amidst emojis, emoticons, haptics and other dormant now restored and centralised as modes of Audio-Visual Communications into Journalism, Storytelling and Story Design, Data Visualisation, Graphic Design, Digital Content Creation and my multimedia content innovations that could only be augmented with the realities of AI’s ingenious generative capacities.

Levelling the Playing Field
The commercial spin-doctors feeding foremost the fazed fad-frenzied foragers to redesign themselves into prompt engineers and psuedo-content copiers, do little justice to the ingenuity of the technology and its potential as a development tool.
But that can only be done when the foundational gaps and bias in its existing data stock can be rectified, and when the missing links of societies and peoples who have been marginalised and written off from the mainstream power centres of knowledge. With the rate at which it is being spewed on us, we run the danger of suffocation from the pseudo-specialists before we can fill the gaps.
As AI threatens to erase the knowledge and realities of more than two-thirds of the world in its selective formulaic conditioning, we who have sat on this side of the colonial processes trying to retrieve and restore knowledge bases and systems and educate next-generations in the value of their heritage, restore cultural confidence that have been ravished and erased, can see clearly the defects in the machine learning phenomenon and the mass-produced courses that extract the variations of experiences and realities.
Hard to Break Foreign Consumption Habits
Like chocolate, gunpowder and fast food, many of these offerings will most likely be adopted by our educational and other institutions as the fodder of the future, in the mad scramble to unscramble the ramblings of their foreign consultants advising what’s best for our next generations! Yes, sitting on this end of the Global South, from my small island microscopic village, we have been here before – through colonisation, colonialism, consumerism!
From what we are being fed as avid consumers of the tech feed mill, most think AI is about Chat GPT and Mastering the Art of Prompting.
That’s the part the cached information in the Big Data banks Gen Z’s are siphoning overconfident in hollowed ‘prompt engineering skills’ to selling a dime for dozens on every which social media way you turn!
So here’s the motivation behind the certification.
Embattled from the Techno Mines
I did all that so when I say what I say next, it is with embattled scars of the techno minefields.
It has taken the world more than three decades and a pandemic to wake up (a lil bit) to the realities of the convergence of new media, tech, education and culture-centred development as pivotal to social transformation. Will the world still be slumbering into the Post-Anthropocene from institutional time-lag to come to grips with AI and developments in new tech and big data that is rewriting the realities of our civilisation?
The vigilance that is required to keep the technologies on development paths is no different from that required in the sphere of journalism. That period of world slumber on the evolving tech capabilities coincides with my journalism journey, and subsequent propulsion out of the formal newsroom, a great deal frustrated by the slow wheels of institutional stagnation spoked by opacity and antagonism to free expression and creative and critical thinking.
Critical & Creative Thinking
It is this creative and critical thinking that forms the core ingredient that would be necessary to keep the doomsday prophecies from self-fulfillment, and the goal of AuthenThink Intel AI AnalyEthics, to cull leaders to tap into the transformative possibilities of the technologies while holding on to the foundational values of knowledge and experience
Reflecting on those years I see how I have been by a guiding hand, swept up in the unfolding novelties, curious research and explorer and propelled from small island into the informational and cultural wonders and peoples of the world, and (OMG!) now a certified CEIBA Cyborg, into a brave new world that has such data (!), in it!
To Teach Is to Learn

So my foray into AI alights here in AuthenThink Intel, continuing the journeys through journalism that took me into wider fields of knowledge, expanding and building on earlier efforts to educate and empower multisectors in using new media, to advance development goals, to cull and mold and shape the brave new emerging field dubbed communications for development (C4D).
If community culturation in authenticity is its roots, the rare air of Non-Aligned Journalism is its foundation, then C4D is the Middle Earth of AuthenThink AI AnalyEthics. (I promise all these alien terms will be clarified in due course of the courses of our learnings).
No, neither I, nor AuthenThink Intel AI, didn’t just fall from a coconut tree!
Its galleries of experiences will map our joint processes of How To Morph Into A CEIBA Cyborg;
We will spare the world of the hype, hyperbole and hysteria that will free up a lil space in are causing our hospitals, overflowing from contrived neuroses, anxieties and overmedicated ailments, concocted to enrich rogue pharmaceuticals, as rogue AI, Big Data, and tech giants. We will pick sense from the nonsense and streamline the uses of the tools and techniques to support our art and our existence, as every other brilliant product of AuthenThink human intelligence was intended.
As we navigate this ever-evolving landscape of technological advancement, the question looms larger than life: are we truly preparing ourselves for what lies ahead? In a world where algorithms reign supreme and data becomes the holy grail, it is easy to forget the heartbeat that drives innovation—the ability to connect, empathize, and not just communicate but draw out the essence of our experiences in doing so. The glitter of certification badges may catch the eye, but does it kindle creativity/
We find ourselves in an age where the latest AI tool can churn out content faster than any human could fathom, yet can it decode the nuances of a heartfelt conversation, an eye contact or a touch.
Musical Touch
Don’t you just like the song track, my own composition to boot, that forms the background to the video that accompanies this piece? I will share the lyrics and the song in full in another post,
Educational institutions, in the fervent race to equip students with the latest technical skills, must not overlook the essence of cultivated understanding of what it means to be human. Or have we already dropped the ball on this?
he growing void in emotional intelligence, knowledge of resilience that made our parents and their forebears sustainable survivors, and our capacities and capabilities for creative thinking and innovative decision-making remain essential in a world increasingly dominated by technology.
With a deluge of platforms offering courses and specializations, we must not lose sight of the real utility of such knowledge. Will these bullet points on a resume truly translate to success in situations where adaptability and creativity is required to ease or engage dynamic frictions that could both stymie or foster innovation through understanding?
Elephant in the Room
And let’s not ignore the elephant in the room: cultural awareness and the ability to communicate across differences are not mere certifiable skills. They involve cultivated and cultural underpinnings navigating the complexities of diverse perspectives that are beyond rote understanding of tools and formulas.
In this tech-dominated existence, the challenge is to resist becoming so enamored with the mechanics of the digital universe that we neglect the AuthenThink processes that guide judgment.
That is why AuthenThink Intel is relevant and applicable to every sphere of decision-making.
Behind every click, algorithm, and databyte, is community, innovators, thinkers, people and that makes the need for visionary leaders all the more imperative.
Get Involved
Welcome to AuthenThink Intel! Over the next few weeks I will outlay various dimensions of this initiative. Feel free to reach out to discuss how it may work to advance your goals in the emerging tech environment. Let’s collaborate. Make contact to find the fit with your sphere of activity and hone decision-making intel and skills into new dimensions!
About Dr Kris Rampersad

A battle-scarred independent scholar and global thought leader, from her small-island perch she is spearheading AuthenThink Intel AnalyEthics where Traditions net Technologies; Education embraces Entertainment in CEIBA-EDUtainment and Demokrissy provokes the inert from Ideas to Action.
An award-winning journalist and multimedia innovator, Dr Kris Rampersad created the world’s newest creative genre, the MultiMedia MicroEpic, that blends, adapts and expands the complexities of the classical epic long-form for short-form new media as she straddles the silos to unite the knowledge spheres of media, education, culture to sustain-able development.
A multi-sector facilitator of intercultural communications, socio-cultural inclusion and participatory governance, her international service includes President of the UNESCO Education Commission, Vice President of UNESCO Programme and External Relations Commission, Independent Member and Vice President of Consultative Body of the International InterGovernmental Committee for Intangible Cultural Heritage, Vice President of the Commonwealth Journalists’ Association and Specialist New Media Consultant/Adviser to the Commonwealth Foundation, CIVICUS World Assembly, Caribbean Agricultural Research and Development Institute and National Institute of Higher Education, Research Science and Technology.