With LOL WOW Every learning experience is a voyage of discovery. Interactive creative learning with Leaves of Life/Wonders of the World explorations. Our reading rooms outside the reading room make every learning experience a voyage of discovery.
It’s all neatly packaged for you within our trending Edutainment Explore, Entertain, Excite, Educate, Empower, Engage. Whatever age, interest or industry all our offerings can be custom made. Durations range from half day to multiple days
Routes to Roots
Interested in reconnecting with roots and ancestry? Whether as casual visitor or serious tourist, researcher or educator, we can work with you you to design your journey, help you chart your routes to discovery and rediscovery of your roots. Any Age. Any Interest. Any Industry. We also offer customised tours to facilitate exploratory interests interconnecting, islands, the Caribbean, through the Americas and the wider world. Find out more about this unique opportunity.

Distance more traveled
Cross Islands & Continents
Challenged in plotting your next vacation paths? Let us help open your eyes to the wonders of the world around – the islands of Trinidad and Tobago, the Caribbean, the Americas, the Globe – our canvas is universal.

UNESCO World Heritage
Find and explore the unique authenticity and outstanding universal value of UNESCO Heritage Sites or Intangible Cultural Heritage. Whether casual tourist, or development planner or educator, let’s fashion your exploration: any theme, topic, interest or industry.

Food & Cuisine
What’s Travel without sampling unique and specialty foods and unique food heritage of the multicultural peoples of our region. Let us help you design your journey or lead you through the remarkable interconnected cuisine heritage of islands and continent. From half day full day or multiple days. Seasonal and Festivals Related Too. Available by request only.

Ancient spices and food cultures
Let your tastebuds do the exploration. Beyond the spice routes, explore new dimensions of interconnected roots through these unique insights.

Festival & Sacred Landscapes & Lifestyles
Satisfy your curiosity about ancient and sacred festivals and practices with up close insights without compromising sensitive community practices.

Intercultural education and engagement
Interconnected Music Heritage
Find your Beat: From the recent inscription of Reggae on the UNESCO Register of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity or the scintillating ancient indigenous and migrant musical heritage, explore the expansive repertoire of world music thru these novel lenses.

Sports Culture Heritage & Landscapes
Heritage Spiced Politics & Picong
Don’t shy away from the real hot stuff of politics spiced with picong. Understand the origins and culture and heritage of island politics in global and colonial contexts. Whether we sit down to dinner, tea or are chugging cross country on a bus these unique insights are sure to get your votes!

Through Novel Lenses

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Find out more about Dr Kris in this link click here
Unique creative partnership opportunities
Become a sponsor or partner. Explore some novel creative partnerships with us see link here

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