AuthenThink Intel AI AnalyEthics Futuring the Post Anthropocene Revisioning Small Islands & the Global South – Creative Content Innovation, Vision, Strategy, Policy Readiness, Planning, Advice, Studio, Academy, Museum, Learning Journeys, Innovator Laboratories, Facilitation, Courses & Curriculum Development
Bias is a pervasive social ill. It is a disease of the individual mind and spirit that infects personal and social and is transferred into interpretations of reality that gets transferred into institutional operations and practice. It invades and infests institutions of law and governance, media and education. In its extreme forms it is alligned to prejudice, racism, nepotism, and translates into corruption, inequity.
Gender Bias
This includes gender inequity and inequalities that become embedded into status quos as accepted practice. It may even perpetuate male privleging and gender violence, as the built-in gender bias in the National Constitution. See television interview with Dr Kris Rampersd on Gender Bias in the Constitution and the Role of the Presidency here.
Dr Kris Rampersad discusses gender inequties and biases in the Constitution and how the Presidency can alter those through promotion of independent thought and actions more at the Academy in the GloCal Knowledge Pot
Lack of critical thinking and analyses promotes and perpetuates bias. Bias cannot be totally eliminated, but it can be treated by expanding one’s self understanding of perspectives and approaches and in making allowances for freedom of expression that gives air to differences of opinions and views. Inequality is an aide to bias. Bias is the enemy of Independence. The erosion of independent institutions and mechanisms in the Constitution perpetuates bias.
My recent map of the distortion by media misrepresentation of voting patterns fed by biases in political interpretations and misrepresentations by political pundits, honed through deficient critical thinking in academic, thought and opinion leaders and its destructive impact on social inclusion, equity and the practice of democracy itself.
The MultiCultural Face of National Politics is distorted and misrepresented through biases in conditioning and interpretations by political pundits and thought leaders and transferred into policy and decision making. More on critical thinking and development of skills of discernment from the Academy at the GloCaL Knowledge Pot
I have also often pointed out the ways institutions internalise into practice human biases, as in gender, cultural or ethnic biases.
Bias in the systems of law and governance is therefore anti-democractic. See Democracy Literarily in Encyclopedia Literaria by Dr Kris
Bias is aligned to Sycophancy.
Next: Sycophant Literarily in Encyclopedia Literaria by Dr Kris
n. orig. biasis – slant, slope: hence, inclination to one side. That which causes the mind to incline toward a particular object or course; inclination, bent, prejudice; a direction diagonal to the woven grain of fabric.
Not in favour of, or a fact that presents a particular politician in a negative light.
Discussion: Bias may have more complex connotations.
This may be illustrated by an anecdote of a recent encounter between a politician and a newspaper editor:
Politician: “I thought your paper was friendly to me?”
Editor: “So it is. What’s the matter?”
Politician: “I made a speech at the dinner last night, and you didn’t print a line of it.”
Editor: “Well, what further proof do you want?”
Politicians may not believe it, but editors and broadcasters may often be doing politicians a favour by not reporting their spoken words, or showing their lack of followers.
Prelude to a closer look at the India-Caricom Summit, coming on the heels of the Brazil-hosted G20 Summit, and some new AuthenThink Intel AI AnalyEthics and insights into what this should mean for the region, the Americas, the Global South and the emerging New World Order!
In the cut and thrust of a toxic political culture with a petticoat obsession that leaves many-a-knickers-in-a-twist, how is the USA treating with skews, biases and prejudices that persist in the political playpen and reflecting in its polling analyses, media outputs, advertising and campaign prospects? Dr Kris Rampersad, AuthenThink AI AnalyEthics Development Strategist punches at the appearances in the USA Election Campaign.
No matter how vehemently the USA sneezes, virally spreading its cold, flu and pandemic ailments across borders, it is not the whole shebang of the Americas that is our Hemisphere, struggling to assert and affirm myriad identities in a panoramic cultural mosaic
On Birthdays & Death’s Day: We have is this one instant to spark, to negate the ever-present darkness, to shine our pinpricks of light in the endless stream of sparks that connect our floodlight to the satellite of Cosmic Stars. more at
If Machiavelli and Lady Macbeth had a baby he would look something like the Portrait of King Charles III – a karmic depiction of human ugly, toxic power at its most macabre, noxious and nihilistic, the apocalyptic legacy of Empire inherited and claimed as he morphs into the role of Monarch on whose shoulder sits planetary doom, hands and faced stroked with blood. Art defies artistic intent, sitter’s expectations to define its own truths Dr Kris Rampersad explores art artist sitter and society..,
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With escalating evidence of the persistent colonial mindset inhibiting the development agenda introducing a new Demokrissy Series to confront the Colonial Mindset, media bias and bias in tech Happy International Girls In ICT Day
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This startling disclosure by Chair of CARICOM, Guyana President Dr Irfaan Ali has repercussions for culture of governance, Data Driven Development, cultural actions for change and gender empowerment Happy International Women’s Day from this Woman Techmakers’ Ambassador
How internet and the technological advancements are causing us to loosen our grip on cultural traditions and heritage, critical to our national and cultural identities and what we can do about it!
Presence of Panday’s Patni/wife and Progeny at Hindu pyre cremation implications for cultural practice, discrimination and violence against women and boys’ education
Former Prime Minister Basdeo Panday’s final journey to cremation pyre recalls other journeys to root and anticipated welcome on the other side – Dr Kris Rampersad reflects on his journeys
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Political stability and peace in Latin America and the Caribbean sits on a fine filigree of loosely-knotted territorial disputes. What are the implications to the wider region of the Venezuela-Guyana Dispute Dr Kris Rampersad takes a broader and deeper view of fermenting feuds…