AuthenThink Intel AI AnalyEthics Futuring the Post Anthropocene Revisioning Small Islands & the Global South – Creative Content Innovation, Vision, Strategy, Policy Readiness, Planning, Advice, Studio, Academy, Museum, Learning Journeys, Innovator Laboratories, Facilitation, Courses & Curriculum Development
Post Pandemic Disaster risk planning and mitigation
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The GloCal Kowledge Pot is futuring sustainable development and the Post Pandemic Planet beyond the Novel Corona Virus.
It provides novel perspectives and insights through evidenced-based research, information, analyses, visualisations, presentations and distributions
Its ways of strengthening family, community, building resilience among next generation leaders.
Novel Responses to the Novel Corona Virus
Join the Effort in reconnecting family and Community and the village to the global village. New informal education offerings and courses in the GloCal Academy.
Integrated InterConnected Interdisciplinary & Intergenerational Intelligence meet with Environment, Gender and Culture Consciousness in BioCultural Synergies at GloCal Knowldedge Pot Knowledge Research & Information ServicesGlocal Knowledge Pot Interdisciplinary Integrated Interconnected Intergenerational Intelligence prepping from preschool to policy making for the Post Pandemic Planet
Project 1: Bridging the Distance in Social Distancing
Social Distancing & Quarantine-Safe At Home Edutainment and activity pack for the whole family. Peer reviewed and approved by National Geographic EducatorsJ. Join Now.
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Fact ?Or Fake? Gallery of Corona Virus COVID-19 Dos and Don’ts from the World Health Organisation.
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Offerings from Dr Kris Rampersad Global Local Caribbean GLoCal Knowledge Pot is a new age of EduTainment to Explore, Entertain, Excite, Educate, Empower and Engage for all ages
LOL GLoCaL Knowledge Pot (pronounced Glo-Cal) is a tongue-twister, and a mind bender too! So let’s explore what this is about.
Leaves of Life (LOL)
LOL as we all know is a laugh out loud experience. It is also the abbreviation for Leaves of Life.
Our Leaves of Life portal with Dr Kris Ramperasd is about the stories we tell from our lives.
This is what our Leaves of Life portal to Leaves of Life. Our interconnected lives as an an LOL experience!
We draw these stories from experiences and knowledge and interactions with the world around us. Hence we have a Global Local and Caribbean Knowledge Pot – GLoCal Knowledge Pot (pronounced Glow-Cal).
Leaves of Life is Global Local Caribbean GLoCal Knowledge Pot is inspired by the plant, Leaves of Life.
As you may have noticed our Logo is derived from that amazing plant known as the Wonder of the World, Miracle Plant or Leaves of Life.
Find out more about Leaves of Life here, and how if forms part of our Global Local Caribbean Knowledge Pot and yours. You may even find some miracles and cures and explore the healing art of story making and storytelling.
Everyone loves of LOL. We do too. That’s why our portal is for anyone of any age, of any interest an in any locale.
We are making a special effort to be accessible to everyone – even those who cannot read or see or hear, or may have some other handicap or ailment. We are all-inclusive.
We practice diversity appreciation.
We are diverse as we cover all ages and interests, all industries.
In brief the LOL vision, mission and goals are as follows:
Leaves of Life aims to Explore! Entertain! Excite! Educate! Empower! Engage!
We make interconnections from many angles, perspectives and dimensions. We bring together traditional beliefs, habits practices of the intangible arena to the tangible arena in every sphere.
MultiMedia Education Advocacy Outreach Education Policy Planning & Strategy at the Glocal Knowledge Pot Knowledge Research Information Services & Resources
We unite disciplines in humanities and sciences, art, culture and education.
In the field of media, literature and books, we mesh traditional conventional textual forms with audio visual forms of new media.
The Leaves of Life reason for being is to enhance and accrue value to ordinary, mundane everyday knowledge and experiences. We inject them with extraordinary energy by converting them into multimedia and literary products and services.
In this way we work to simulate value, respect, appreciation and understanding. These are intangible things that we cannot touch or see but are important to the tangible elements of the things we can see and touch in our lives.
We hope to enhance the creative, entertainment, tourism and industrial sectors; grow capacity for literary livelihoods; and develop community-based income-generating literary and other heritage activities.
LOL GLoCal Knowledge Pot Virtual Multimedia Museum & Galleries
We promote synergies between new media technologies and traditional print, textual and audio visual media.
By this we advance understandings of the relationship between literary, entertainment, performance and film sectors with cultural heritage tourism, creative industries and other dimensions of sustainable development.
These include sustainable development of environment, ecological and heritage conservation, global partnerships, sustainable industrial development, poverty alleviation, gender equality, youth engagement and democratisation of societies.
The Leaves of Life vision is to establish a seamless relationship from thought to action across disciplines, and spheres and that makes us unique in the drive for sustainable development.
The Leaves of Life portal you will find:
? publications, productions, and events in multimedia – text, print, image, audio, video audio
? Exciting interactive sustainable development community-based literary, heritage
Other initiatives for development of human talents to enhance and upgrade institutions and industries.
And GLoCal?
Now to the other mouthful: GLoCal. Pronounced Glow-Cal
If you haven’t already guessed – or read it on our site pages, it is our acronym for Global Local Caribbean – that’s where we’re at . The range and scope of inter-connected heritage and knowledge streams are international and universal, inclusive and all-encompassing.
There’s something here for everyone.
Stick with us. We will have many other tongue twisters for you! You can click the subscribe button top left so you will not miss out. You can also find us on social media so be sure to follow to keep up-to-date-on new developments.
There is sure to be something here for everyone, because we are interested in about everything under the sun, and then some. Beyond the sun, we reach to the stars to restore the natural wonder in creation and creativity within and around us.
And so ours is a journey of exploration our interconnected global heritage to foster inter-generational respect and understanding.
Explore! Entertain! Excite! Educate! Empower! All Leaves of our Lives, together that’s a GLOC@l Knowledge Pot, wouldn’t you say?
Enhance your CSR Partner with Us
Ask Us to Design a customised CSR Corporate Package for You. Includes collaborative advertising and product placement, sponsorships and partnerships; customise workshops, seminars, heritage an learning journeys. Or sponsor copies of books an other products for schools, communities, libraries and children of your organisations.
Contact Us with your interests.
Dr Kris Rampersad LiTTribute to the Americas inspired by her book LiTTscapes – Landscapes of Fiction in article featured in the Guardian. Tours Teas Talks on interconnected global hertiage. Visit Subscribe
Dr Kris Rampersad Global Local & Caribbean Knowledge Pot of InterConnected Heritage
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