To Vote Like We Party MultiCultural Face of Politics voting habits compared to social and cultural habits....
Dr Kris Articles
What do they know of cricket who only cricket know? - CLR James' immortal sentiments in Beyond...
The place of the human in a world traumatised by diminishing social, environmental, political and equitable economic...
Contemporary interpretations of suffrage in current political climate
Becoming and island as port closes but explore unique heritage through virtual galleries, tours, learning journeys and...
WorldPulse featured Ambassador, Dr Kris Rampersad on how women leaders can transform the spheres of power...
Sixty Seconds worth of Distance Run recalled on national stage - gold medal award from the Republic
Dr Kris Rampersad receives the National Medal (Gold) For the Development of Women Journalism
Prophetic prophesies of politics and People empowerment the political climate change, blowing winds of change over the...
Dr Kris Rampersad Rewriting the Columbus story, with the missing links..original research as the First Peoples host...