This series of articles and videos on women equality and empowerment over three decades, capacity development and training towards preparation for leadership.
It complements the three decades of research, interviews and written articles and documentaries and work for empowerment of women and gender equality through InterAmerican systems of the Organisation of American States & Caricom, the United Nations, UNIFEM/UNWomen, UNESCO and UNDP. Request package
With rapidly changing technologies in media, many of our knowledge resources are fast disappearing or becoming inaccessible. We are in the process of digitising our archives representing more than 30 years of contemporary Caribbean development linked to pre and post colonial history and heritage.
This is in cross cutting disciplines of education, culture, gender, environment, agriculture, To support, sponsor, collaborate and partners with our digitisation efforts or to develop your own legacy initiatives, make contact.
Why the fuss? Why Women? | Trinidad Express Newspaper | Woman Magazine