AuthenThink Intel AI AnalyEthics Futuring the Post Anthropocene Revisioning Small Islands & the Global South – Creative Content Innovation, Vision, Strategy, Policy Readiness, Planning, Advice, Studio, Academy, Museum, Learning Journeys, Innovator Laboratories, Facilitation, Courses & Curriculum Development
To Vote Like We Party MultiCultural Face of Politics in Trinidad and Tobago
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It is Independence month but one would hardly know that from the gibbering gabbering gibberish or in the Queen’s GEngbrish, jibber-jabber, gobbledygook emerging from the islands.
What is the Significance of This Scene? Independence and the Independent Psyche LEarn to live together, multiculturalism and social inclusion. Explore with LiTTours, LiTTributes and LiTTscapes. Contact the Academy at GloCal Knowledge Pot
The MultiCultural Face of Trinidad Politics Represents Distortions by Media and other opinion leaders on the nature and character of the island Trinidad
It is the month in which we remind ourselves of the dream of Independence and renew our comittment to nation. To help rally round the nation, countries, as ours, developed a National Pledge, National Anthem, National Symbols, National Songs Coat of Arms, Motto, Constitution and National Flag. All are meant to evoke patriotism and pride. To inspire to achieve together. To understand the place of the individual in the collective community and society.
They marked the point of throwing off the yolk of colonial rule, the legacy of slavery.
In Independence month we renew our focus and commitment to the values enshrined therein. Fifty eight years on we are stil lfaced with the challenge to rebirth the nation and renew the vows pledged to create the society envisioned by those who envisioned the nations.
The MultiCultural Face of Trinidad Politics Represents Distortions by Media and other opinion leaders on the nature and character of the island Trinidad. More data and information and to request clases, courses, seminars and workshops in diversity, social inclusion and learning to live together contact Dr Kris Rampersad at the Academy at GloCaL Knowledge Pot
Much has been said of the need for Constitutional Reform, espcially in times like these when elections expose the inadequacy of the voting system designed for a society much less complex than the diverse multicultural complexion as ours.
Yet, with an understanding of the ever-present threat of human fallacy, the Constitution does provide checks and balances against overexploitation of power. Through independent institutions established as gatekeepers and watchdogs over the agents of State – the Executive/Government; the Legislature/Parliament and the Judiciary/Legal System.
Synopsis of a cross section of Reviews on LiTTscapes – Landsxapes of Fiction Request LiTTours, LiTTrbiutes Seminars Webinars and Workshops from the Academy at GloCaL Knowledge Pot interconnected Global Local Caribbean
These are The Office of the President itself with his/her Independent Senators, the Election and Boundaries Commission, the Director of Public Prosecution, The Ombudsman, Auditor General, the Judiciary, Judicial and Legal Services Commission and other Service Commissions of Oversight on actins of Police, Prisons, Teachers, the Integrity Commission.
Dr Kris Rampersad receives National Medal of Merit Gold from President Paula Mae Weeks for contributions to Development of Women/Jourmalism more at the GloCal Knowledge Pot
They were meant to maintain the balance of power and the balance of trust that people, in committing to nationhood, vests in Governments and institutions, which our gender blind Constitution defines as ‘men and institutions’.
If these operated within their perameters, in service as was envisioned, it would be enough for our small islands to be the exemplar we like to hold up of other countries.
For much of our past 58 years we have often have to question the independent spirit of our independent country which vests trust in independent institutions.
When the men and women in these sacred secular offices shirk in their assigned task, we have the country we now do. The defects and limitations in the Constitution has often been blamed, but it is the will and wisdom of the ‘men and institutions’ that frame the national psyche is where responsibility rests.
The interlocking interrelations in our small island state, coupled with individual fallacies and human frailties and foibles are ignored, ripped apart, exploited, contorted to feed and serve narrow interests far removed from the vision of the founding fathers and mothers of the nation.
The GloCaL Knowledge Pot Post Pandemic Planet Challenge humanism in the face of economic recovery webinars seminars workshops available from the Academy
The liberation of media to accommodate voices of all have merely parrotted narrow national visioning, echoing the devisive bicameral chambers of the two-party Westminster system on which we have stamped our own dimensions of divisiveness that even the colonials could not envision. Independent institutions have become a feeding trough and playground for bigots and fools. Much like the dream of Independence.
The yet emerging challenges and escalating crisis from the Novel Corona Virus Pandemic requires a new generation of visionaries who can look through and beyond the past and renvision and reposition our nation into a novel more path for next generations.
The sudden rapidly shifting the axes of economic, social, educational, cultural, and indeed political norms – demands renewal as a core characterise the recovery and Post Pandemic Planet.
Who are up to the task of reshaping our independence and our boundless faith?
Prelude to a closer look at the India-Caricom Summit, coming on the heels of the Brazil-hosted G20 Summit, and some new AuthenThink Intel AI AnalyEthics and insights into what this should mean for the region, the Americas, the Global South and the emerging New World Order!
In the cut and thrust of a toxic political culture with a petticoat obsession that leaves many-a-knickers-in-a-twist, how is the USA treating with skews, biases and prejudices that persist in the political playpen and reflecting in its polling analyses, media outputs, advertising and campaign prospects? Dr Kris Rampersad, AuthenThink AI AnalyEthics Development Strategist punches at the appearances in the USA Election Campaign.
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If Machiavelli and Lady Macbeth had a baby he would look something like the Portrait of King Charles III – a karmic depiction of human ugly, toxic power at its most macabre, noxious and nihilistic, the apocalyptic legacy of Empire inherited and claimed as he morphs into the role of Monarch on whose shoulder sits planetary doom, hands and faced stroked with blood. Art defies artistic intent, sitter’s expectations to define its own truths Dr Kris Rampersad explores art artist sitter and society..,
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