Through The Political Glass-Ceiling captures issues of breaking the glass ceiling in politics. It advances understanding of the quest for gender equity. It presents the journey to leadership and the foreground to the election of Kamla Persad-Bissessar as the first woman Prime Minister. It brings historical and socio-cultural insights to analyses and contexts of the role of gender, culture and geography in the politics of this developing country.
Through the Political Glass Ceiling gender and geo-politics
Against the backdrop of multiculturalism, gender, and geo-politics, Through the Political Glass-Ceiling presents the struggles for gender equality and equity in the interplay between minority and dominant political ideologies as post-Independent Trinidad and Tobago.
Original data and analyses Clash of Political Cultures
The introduction, A Clash of Political Cultures – Cultural Diversity & Minority Politics, traces, with original research data, the pre- and post- independence environment. It traces the evolution of national identity from the island’s diversity of “mother cultures,” from gender and culture-sensitive perspectives. It also provides contexts in the global thrust for gender equality and women world leaders.
Biographical arrangement of sections Through the Political Glass Ceiling
Selected speeches of Mrs. Persad-Bissessar form the backdrop to these explorations. Speeches presented relate to Mrs. Persad-Bissessar’s “Stepping through the glass ceiling – Decisive moments in her political decision-making”; “ Vision of National & Political Unity”; the gender factor – “to be woman and leader”; “engaging partner watchdogs” and in her various other roles as Leader of the Opposition, Member of Parliament, Attorney General, Minister of Legal Affairs and Minister of Education as well as those presented in other forums as election platforms and interactions with civil society organizations and individuals.

Selected speeches of Mrs. Persad-Bissessar form the backdrop to these explorations. Speeches presented relate to Mrs. Persad-Bissessar’s “Stepping through the glass ceiling”.
Others are “Decisive moments in her political decision-making”; an“ Vision of National & Political Unity”.
Much of this is framed through gender and cultural lenses, and explores what it means “to be woman and leader”.
Elements as “engaging partner watchdogs” explore the role of civil society in political transformation.
There is also a significant section that reveals engendered perspectives on budgeting, economic and financial matters. These are explored through Persad-Bissessar’s various roles as Leader of the Opposition, Member of Parliament, Attorney General, Minister of Legal Affairs and Minister of Education. It includes elements of her early as well as more recent political career to the eve of her election as the first woman Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago.
About the Author
Dr Kris Rampersad is an award-winning independent international journalist, researcher, writer and sustainable development educator/facilitator who has been exploring the diversity of Caribbean society and cultures. She has been involved in the development of gender policy and actions at international levels of the United Nations, UNESCO, the Commonwealth and Organisation of American States. She has written and presented original research and analyses and perspectives to international forums. Her perspectives draw from experiences of multicultural, ruralism and the interplay of culture, politics, economics, gender and literature in small island states, Latin America and the developing world.
She utilises original research data from home-grown situations to challenge imported and irrelevant data and theories to make a case for new approaches that more adequately reflect the realities of societies. Her policy critiques and recommendations through oral presentations, print and video documentaries on governance, education, culture, media, agriculture and information and communication technologies, have influenced programmes and actions of leading think tanks and agenda-setting organisations as the Commonwealth Foundation, United Nations, European Union and Commission, UNESCO, the Organisation of American States and CARICOM along with regional and local level community organisations.
More on Through The Political Glass-Ceiling see below.
See Table of Contents: Through the Political Glass-Ceiling below.
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More About Through the Political Glass Ceiling

This book presents the paradox of politics and society in Trinidad and Tobago in the context of the contest for leadership between the country’s longest standing political entity, the People’s National Movement, and the first female leader of a political party, United National Congress’ Kamla Persad-Bissessar.
As post-Independent T&T struggles for articulation and definition of a truly encompassing national identity, it sets selected speeches of Persad-Bissessar against the backdrop of multiculturalism, gender, and geo-politics. It provides refreshing insights into the interplay between minority and dominant political ideologies.
Ranging through the country’s experiences with political parties under Dr Eric Williams, through the period of the National Alliance for Reconstruction and ANR Robinson to the period of voting deadlock at the turn of the century involving Basdeo Panday and Patrick Manning, it presents the situations and contexts of Persad-Bissessar’s controversial political career.
In doing so, it provides roadmaps of Persad-Bissessar’s journey to T&T’s highest political offices, through to the defining moments of the May 2010 snap election.
It is compiled with introduction and contexts by Dr Kris Rampersad, a journalist, researcher, educator, writer and publisher and an explorer of the diversity of Caribbean society, cultures and heritage.
Through the Political Glass Ceiling – Table of Contents
Introduction –
A Clash of Political Cultures Cultural Diversity & Minority Politics in Trinidad & Tobago – Dr Kris Rampersad
Stepping through the glass ceiling – Decisive moments in political decision-making
For 1.3 million reason
Towards leadership of tomorrow – Declaration to contest
The Vision: National & Political Unity – Rock of a political vision
The People’s Partnership
Together as Pelau
On common ground and the COP National Assembly
Unite in common cause
So many voices
18:18 – Balance of peace
Nothing to lose but…
Charlie King and the People’s Partnership
A brave new world
A Sustainable Partnership
To be woman and leader
Reach out and help men
Rights no one can take away
Women’s role not static
Women’s needs in all programmes: Focus on Domestic Violence
Share your experiences. Women in Public Office
Foreign models don’t apply – Equal Opportunity
Women’s issues for A Women’s Platform
Eternal Vigilance – Engaging partner watchdogs
Call election now
Dissolving Parliament
Case of Barrack Obama’s strategist
Emergency and Summit of the Americas
Irregular procedure by House Speaker
Failing health system
Think outside the cell- reducing crime
Choice:backwardness or development – On Local Government election
Labour Movement: partner in transformation
Secret Constitution
Modern processes to form companies Companies Act
Violence against women increase
A Woman’s Place is in the House … of Parliament
Public duty to resign Puiblic Sector Resignations
Challenged by technology Political laptops
Crime and the Houses of Parliament
A comedy of legal errors – Caribbean Court of Justice
Vicious slips from Prime Minister. Central Bank Act
Guarding Democracy
Try saving, not spending – Finance Report
A port in a storm Property Tax Bill
Woman power unleashed on Budget
Top Ten Budget Priorities
Exorbitant expenditure
Can’t make love on hungry belly
Stale budget of recurring decimals
Budget Watch: Whey The money gone?
Toxic threat of pocket liners
A matter of consultation – Teaching Service
Unreasonable and unjustifiable – Health Regulations
Who will watch our children – Foster Homes Bill
As Minister of Education – Towards an intelligent nation
A place for every child
Preparing every child for changing world
As Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs
Regulating conduct of bailiffs
Stamping out of dinosaur age
Justice on time in life and death – Coroner’s Act
On Matters of Urgent Public Importance
Not because they are poor – On Eviction threat to Residents
Ravaged & Brutalised – Pornography & Rape in Schools
A Matter of Privilege
Privileged to mislead the house?
Revocation of Appointments
Matters of Integrity
Disease of Corruption Integrity in Public Life
Born Of Multiculturalism
Tribute to indomitable spirits – Spiritual Baptists
Survival and revival of a collective heritage
Rainbow land of seven tribes
Embracing the Hope of a Brighter Tomorrow , Caribbean Conference of Churches Seventh Day Adventists
Through The Political Glass-Ceiling
Author: Kris Rampersad
ISBN: 9789768228000
Availability: In Stock
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