Who is Demokrissy & Her Independent Spirits- DIS Network

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Demokrissy is perceived to be an I-land, but really she is as effective as a monologist as she is a conversationalist.

Along with interrogating the hundreds of home-grown new age thinkers that the mainstream deems inferior – that is, developing, less developed, Third World…. Demokrissy has consistently spotlighted the social and other disruptions caused from the inconsistencies, biases, prejudices and skews development policy actions of old world institutions, agents and agencies which are both fed by and augmented by dominant media and other official propaganda streams.

She does this through multiple manifestations as The C Monologues, I Beg to Move, The Week That Was, In Gabilan, Woman to Woman, Finding a Place, Discover, LiTTscapes, Through the Political Glass Ceiling, MultipleChoice and numerous treatise, letters and interventions (Not all of them online, support digitisation and multimedia conversions of our archives!). Yes! Every time she get shut down, she born-back and rise-up again! 

Her pen and keyboard there, every time one of them old and new colonial boys and girls and news people too tramp in to trampoline the ole-boys ole colonial thoughts.

Demokrissy Independent Spirits (DIS)

Thousands of disowned, disadvantaged, disbelieving, disconnected, disruptive, disregarded discerning dissidents disseminate discourses to disable defective status quos through her dreams and reveries.

As the mundane world recognizes only five senses, all find a place in her world of 50 sense inherited from Ma, the Nonagenarian and dreams in Pa’s farmer-marketing DNA, altogether a long line of singing storytelling social strategists and action innovators! See more here.

She calls these invisible, unrecognised indigeneous knowledge holders and thought-leaders bulldozed by massadom, stamping and clamouring around in her cerebrum, Demokrissy’s Independent Spirits (DIS).

Spanning the spectrums of literate to illiterate in massa-language, educated to non-educated (ie chupidee), lettered or unlettered, eloquently articulate or stammering, marginalised and mainstream, they counsel her on distensions, distortions, disturbances, disruptions and disambiguations needed off the mundane mainstream. Her net works to absorb their unfettered and untethered thoughts flaying from strands in the wind which she represents in virtual seances and physical fo-Rums, teas, talks, tours and tributes, too.

I am an I-Land – Demokrissy’s DNA – One Night To Bloom

This launched the world’s newest creative genre, the Multimedia MicroEpic. Look forward to the unfolding creations

More about the MultiMedia MicroEpic

Find out more about the world’s newest creative genre invented by Dr Kris Rampersad, the MultiMedia Micro Epic Here

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