A novel experience entering the social and cultural and ecological life of our islands at their source....
UNESCO Cities of Music
As a teenager Ma had the name of Ram tattooed on her arm. Today, her soul...
mDNA Ma's Melodies Mothers in the MultiMedia MicroEpic segment Motherlands MotherCultures MotherContinent sneak preview of the unfolding...
Novel Forms Introduced in new Multimedia Epic Genre Film enthusiasts at Latino & Native American Film Festival...
Dr Kris Rampersad pioneering creative genre the MultiMedia Micro Epic of the Anthropocene, to feature at the...
Trending News! Kudos for Dr Kris GloCaL FEDs COVID Challenge named a global changemaker, 1 of...
Bridging the Distance in Social Distancing is a quarantine-safe and social distancing friendly lifelong learning initiative. It...
Journey to UNESCO Creative City of Music began with rickshaw ride and musical walk through Belmont,...
The musical road to UNESCO Creative City and value for creative industries for more visit www.krisrampersad.com
How do societies integrate new migrant communities to traditional identities for sustaainble development - Dr Kris Rampersad...