Prelude to a closer look at the India-Caricom Summit, coming on the heels of the Brazil-hosted G20...
In the cut and thrust of a toxic political culture with a petticoat obsession that leaves many-a-knickers-in-a-twist,...
No matter how vehemently the USA sneezes, virally spreading its cold, flu and pandemic ailments across borders,...
Sydnie pitches Sinatra’s famed cocky melody onto a new path as the potential female anthem of aspiration,...
On Birthdays & Death's Day: We have is this one instant to spark, to negate the ever-present...
If Machiavelli and Lady Macbeth had a baby he would look something like the Portrait of King...
You do not need millions of followers to Impact the World. How our mothers did it Message...
So if I have resisted jumping on the bandwagon of media shares and commendations, it is because...
New Tech Savvy Mutant Shark Species Take over Roadways share kinship lineage withe Haiti's Tonton Macoutes Open...
With escalating evidence of the persistent colonial mindset inhibiting the development agenda introducing a new Demokrissy Series...
Reflecting the Journey to Impact the Future called Wonder Woman Reflections on International Women's Day Cover Story...
Creating from Chaos insights into the Haitian democratic dilemma rooted in an atrocious Colonial past and what...
This startling disclosure by Chair of CARICOM, Guyana President Dr Irfaan Ali has repercussions for culture of...
How internet and the technological advancements are causing us to loosen our grip on cultural traditions and...
A Carnival expose of the hidden gems of the multicultural mosaic of the Caribbean as we enter...
Presence of Panday’s Patni/wife and Progeny at Hindu pyre cremation implications for cultural practice, discrimination and violence...
Former Prime Minister Basdeo Panday's final journey to cremation pyre recalls other journeys to root and anticipated...
Behind the scenes confessions on honing the authorial skills of the Silver Fox the orator Prime Minister...
Silver Fox who dared Lions Prime Minister Basdeo Panday passes on News Year's Day farewell
When You World View is the World’s View! Happy New Year! As we say goodbye to 2023,...
Promise of change of course for development in Latin America and Caribbean as feuding leaders Guyana's President...
An open letter to Peace Broker Dr Gonsalves et al addressing talks between Venezuela and Guyana Border...
Prompt Action needed from Region as Repercussions set in from threats by Venezuelan President Maduro to Guyana,...
International Court of Justice
Political stability and peace in Latin America and the Caribbean sits on a fine filigree of loosely-knotted...
he USA rejoining UNESCO and its significance for bilateral and multilateral arrangements with Caribbean countries.
Understanding the mechanisms of global governance and how to use the instruments to effect change is one...
Positioning small islands, the developing world and the Global South on the international agenda requires concerted action...
Why we are failing the next generations and sending them into trigger-hapy youth and street gangs
ehind the Scenes on the world of glamour, glitter and glow of representing Trinidad and Tobago. Anecdotes...
Yes! There is such a thing. Working in Heritage you could find yourself featured as a Calendar...
Why is Prince Harry Duke of Sussex, reaching out ? Behind the secret chuckles and squirmis...
Nobel musings - Would a woman bring in the Caribbean's third Nobel Laureate for Literature and this...
Tsunami currents sweep Southern Caribbean in an epicurean clash that tectonic upheavals ripple across the Atlantic from...
On World Folklore Day When Open AI is Not Open Minded! Dr Kris Rampersad takes on...
Sir Vidia Naipaul would have been 91 today with a legacy of probing the colonial condition read...
Top three reasons science celebrates the artistry of leftehanders read more
Happy world Steelpan Day August 11 Intercultural Education through our musical and other traditions with Dr Kris...
This week we said farewell to iconic Caribbean historian Professor Brinsley Samaroo. Although well into his 80s...
I stood under the World Intellectual Property Tree massively displayed at the World Intellectual Property Organisation’s Booth...
You might not think that Cheese has the Chemistry to foster togetherness, but the International Chemistry Olympiad...
Happy Fourth of July American Day of Independence our interconnected heritage join us
Emancipate Yourself from Mental Slavery! The immortal melodies of Bob Barley resonate today as we celebrate World...
The storyteller extraordinaire in the age of AI - the Clash of Creative Cultures with Dr Kris...
As the Silver Fox Prime Minister Basdeo Panday celebrates 90 he confesses his secret birthday wish. Now...
When we celebrate our arrival, we celebrate the bravery of crossing over to the unknown. We celebrate...
How do we bridge gaps to intercultural education in the digital age? Woman Techmakers' Ambassador Dr Kris...
Tomato Boy the nickname given by his recently deceased wife might be an apt description for this...
Safeguarding Cultural Diversity in Digital Age Happy International Day of Diversity for Dialogue & Development
What next for Guyana and the Caribbean following election report on fraudulent practices?
Congratulations, Kris Rampersad, you’ve earned a spot in the top 1% of rising creators … When Facebook...
Dare To Be A Woman Agent of Change by eliminating bias and streotyping in technology and even...
Raging seas usher us into the New Year, and hopefully, we are a little more knowledgeable, a...
Global villages, languages, cultures ands traditions will feature in 36-hours of continuous singing by different community groups...
World’s Largest Diaspora lights up as UK gets set to usher in 1st Indo- Prime Minister, Happy Divali

World’s Largest Diaspora lights up as UK gets set to usher in 1st Indo- Prime Minister, Happy Divali
UK gets first PM of Indian origin as World's Largest Diaspora and third largest religious denomination celebrate...
Liz Truss off West Minster London Bridge collapses as sun sets on British Empire through market...
In the days before cell phones and selfies, the images here are of a time when journalists...
LiTTscapes features the works of some 100 authors, the many different themes, subjects, landscapes, festivals, institutions, districts,...
Happy World Teachers' Day! Why we need culture and gender sensitive education & how to build on...
Tho they didn't win the war, in bid to win the fete,with some unPresidented moves, the President...
Celebrating National Awardees 2022 full list of recipients and a special moment with Trinity Cross recipients Mas...
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and the Maharani 2 Matriarchs Across 2 Centuries & Worlds apart ......
From the Age of Television to the Age of Lilbits Letters to Lizzie Queen Elizabeth II on...
Happy world literacy day - reflecting on media, culture, education dynamics and the journey when literacy was...
As one of the few, if not only, individual globally who has closely collaborated with both Nobel...
How can we advance in the digital age when the most basic of public services are on...
If a picture paints a thousand words, how many words would a few pictures and a few...
Knocked down in his youth, he refused to surrender to the ever-present ominous darkness that constantly threatened...
Mothering Turtles and Caribbean BioCultural diversity From Trinidad to Timbuktu Trekking through three decades on the trail...
Proud moment in Idea to Action in approach to data analyses that inform Global Policy for Global...
Media Analyst Dr Kris Rampersad addresses Caribbean Telecommunications Union anniversary
A salute to the generations of women and girls in ICTs and reflecting on the integrated journey...
Challenge to Tech and Media Emperors and Giants to recognise value of SIDS knowledge know how and...
in the framework of Education and InterCultural Understanding into the Post Pandemic Planet what are the challenges...
Education, media and culture - traditionally three forms of social engineering that have existed in silos, are...
Shouldn't your client and customer base match our readership and viewership fan base? Contact the GloGal Knowledge...
A novel experience entering the social and cultural and ecological life of our islands at their source....
Celebrate the sum of us.
In its primeval poetic context, Pi represents a confluence of the arts...
International Gender Strategist Dr Kris Rampersad provides insights into working to Break The Bias and the prospects,...
Dr Kris Rampersad joins panel Break The Bias International Women's Day 2022 MCtv
Caribbean Carnival Tuesday energies moved to India this year as Caribbean Soca Superstar Machel Montano took to...
The collaboration between the Caribbean's greatest soca sensation, Machel Montano and Sadhguru promises to equal or exceed...
To Vote Like We Party MultiCultural Face of Politics voting habits compared to social and cultural habits....
Covid takes the Nightingale's breath away. Singer Lata Mangeshwar flies higher 1929-2022 tribute on her influence on...
One of the side effects of the Covid-19 pandemic and its disruption of education is forcing rethinking...
Inspired by poetry, promoting his plays, developing a creative outreach campaign ...Working with Walcott recollections on his...
As the world gathers to discuss the plight of Small Island Developing States (SIDS) - what some of...
Build knowledge resources of pre and post Caribbean American Heritage
CEIBA-EDUtainment antidote for the Global South, developing world & Latin American & Caribbean to reduce self negation,...
Across cultures, butterflies are symbols of transition, transmigrations and transformations. Welcome changes in 2022 for a Happy...
Migrant and marginalised indigenous communities the Caribbean have naturally exists in trans-boundary spaces Diversity Strategist Dr Kris...
New indentured Indian immigrant routes UNESCO initiative
Highest numbers voted for Trinidad and Tobago in the GRULAC group suggests the tremendous faith and confidence...
As the Vice President of the UNESCO Executive Board and national representatives I was able to recommend...
MotherContinent Dr Kris Rampersad film at International Film Festival of India, It joins African, native Latin American,...
The Nonagenarian embraced her longevity. In her role in safeguarding the folk culture of our ancestors, she...
The impacts of COVID 19 on the rights of minorities, marginalised, migrants and other disadvantaged and underprivileged...
The Caribbean Action Plan for World Heritage Considering interregional cooperation within the framework of the Small Islands...
Dr Kris Rampersad facilitates Workshop on community based inventorying of Intangible Cultural Heritage Inventory of traditions important...
Novel Culture & Gender Sensitive Legacy Initiatives Partnerships for Peace Support Sponsor Collaborate Capacity Development Training Outreach...
Ma, the Nonagenarian created a family that spans the diasporas of the Americas a nd Canada, Asia...
As a teenager Ma had the name of Ram tattooed on her arm. Today, her soul...
A traditional open cremation at the Shore of Peace in La Romain, South Trinidad on Monday .......
Tonight Ma lights the heavens, having moulded me like the potters’ the clay of the deeyas that...
Sustainable Development and Climate Action for SIDS from Pre Rio into Post Pandemic Glasgow Earth to COP...
New interests from global geographic, technical and cultural spheres, women's films, use of mobile tech from ...
The Multimedia Micro Epic, has scored a hat-trick++ among international Film Festivals... On its fifth selection...among the...
mDNA Ma's Melodies Mothers in the MultiMedia MicroEpic segment Motherlands MotherCultures MotherContinent sneak preview of the unfolding...
Dr Kris Rampersad pioneering creative genre the MultiMedia Micro Epic of the Anthropocene, to feature at the...
One Night To Bloom an Independent Short Film by Dr Kris Rampersad introduces a new literary genre...
The Pandemic is propelling countries to look inward, curb foreign consumption habits and develop local...
The United States of America Inaugurates its 46th President Joe Biden replacing its controversial 45th President Donald...
US President-elect Joe Biden & Vice President-elect Kamala Harris face these challenges in harnessing and leveraging the...
The making of Derek Walcott's play, Steel, and the successful media engagement initiatives on developing and enhancing...
revisit the attitudes and culture in agriculture. Join me as we prepare for the Post Pandemic Planet....
What do they know of cricket who only cricket know? - CLR James' immortal sentiments in Beyond...
Happy International Literacy Day. Education is one of the sectors most severely hit by the COVID-19 Pandemic...
Bias is a pervasive social ill. It is a disease of the individual mind and spirit that...
Sycophant is a word branded in the political landscape of underdevelopment. It is defined literarily in...
Satire on interpretations and mis/representations of the culture sector, creative economy through creative accounting and management in...
The place of the human in a world traumatised by diminishing social, environmental, political and equitable economic...
Making real the vision of a new society where 'every creed and race finds an equal place'...
The Quest For New Leaders With prospering guns and drugs trades, extreme poverty in the midst of...
It is Independence month but one would hardly know that from the gibbering gabbering gibberish or in...
Contemporary interpretations of suffrage in current political climate
Masks and shields accompanined stained ink fingers in the 2020 Pandemic Polls to acccomodate voting in a...
Moving the country forward to secure and leverage the benefits of its cultural heritage as a pillar...
The reduction of the values of democracy through the ages in principle and practice
Strategies, best practise and sustainable solutions through Regions of Gastronomy. and preparations for awards for 1st...
Columbus, and the colonial legacy embedded in psyche, landscapes and institutions and monuments of memory. Some ...
while I have touted the tremendous potential and opportunities of the internet and new media and social...
The Corona Virus Pandemic brought global travel to a screeching halt, just as the international community flags...
Trending News! Kudos for Dr Kris GloCaL FEDs COVID Challenge named a global changemaker, 1 of...
As the world slows threatened by the enigmatic Corona Virus proving the world is one, as is...
Building family and community resilience and resistance to the Novel Corona Virus, this challenge empowers all into...
Bridging the Distance in Social Distancing is a quarantine-safe and social distancing friendly lifelong learning initiative. It...
Becoming and island as port closes but explore unique heritage through virtual galleries, tours, learning journeys and...
Reflections: Legacies of Life with Leaves of Life...through ancience new and ancient new worlds ...
The musical road to UNESCO Creative City and value for creative industries for more visit
WorldPulse featured Ambassador, Dr Kris Rampersad on how women leaders can transform the spheres of power...
Does the Budget make you happier? By what creative and sustainable benchmarks can you evaluate a budget?...
Report on the energy challenges of small island states and ongoing relevance to sustainable development
Her Excellency President of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago pins Medal for the Development of Women/Journalism...
Youths from this village research, recreate and resurrect ancient culture, beliefs and recreate arts, crafts and lifestyles,...
Gold Merit for Doctor of Medicine Dr William Dhanessar with Dr Kris Rampersad 2018 National Awardee for...
Dr Kris Rampersad receives the Medal For the Development of Women, Gold form President of the...
Tropical Storm Karen wreaks havoc as another natural disaster threatens this small island
Dr Kris Rampersad education to redress lingering dependence syndrome in media in post colonial societies, retrains for...
Guardian's Life! section features enthused children of Leela's Learning Kindergarten get a first look at new Caribbean...
I, the sky and me
In addition to her award winning journalism career , Dr. Kris Rampersad is...
As we prepare our groundbreaking exclusive up close and personal on this woman of many firsts we...
How do we help children refocus on the world around them? Educator, Author and Journalist...
At the intersection of media, culture, gender, youth, education and inclusive communities, we are addressing SDG 4...
Some relief efforts for victims of Hurricane Dorian battering Northern Caribbean and USA
Munnie Receives Front Page treatment by The Canadian-based Independent Newspaper - shares front page with US President...
The State of the State at Independence 57 - a time for reflection of from whence we...
Animations of Munnie the Adventurous Butterfly by Dr Kris Ramepersad as she takes flight of fancy and...
Add something special to your child's schoolbag this term. Stimulate creative thinking and confidence to imagine the...
Munnie, An Adventurous Butterfly meets Danny Dragonfly. They discover their differences as they explore the Sea and...
Connecting cultures and heritage and stimulating life long learning with interactive tools and platforms, virtual galleries and...
On the balance sheet of public accountability and transparency, the costs of the culture of secrecy far...
Exploring the Village in the Global Village through our interconnected GloCal Hertiage - Global Local Caribbean
The Caribbean music form created by Bob Marley and the Wailers now inscribed in UNESCO Intangible Cultural...
Sixty Seconds worth of Distance Run recalled on national stage - gold medal award from the Republic
Cultural attitudes and behaviour nurtured and conditioned by legal and policy instruments analyses by Dr Kris Rampersad
The Black Friday attacks in Paris in November 2015 occurred amidst Peacebuilding at UNESCO inside the halls...
A prophesy of the Pandemic Climate Change Action Culture Sensitivity in Flood Relief
Is this whole...
Pa, who had brought me to Port of Spain for my first job interview, not only gave...
Women in Red Her Excellency President of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago and Award Winning Educator...
Dr Kris Rampersad receives the National Medal (Gold) For the Development of Women Journalism
Intergenerational Transmission Education Advice from A World of Knowledge
Dr Kris Rampersad post mortem on the funeral of Sir Vidia Naipaul's goes viral across the international...
prosaic and poetic prophesy, ironic truths of Sir
Vidia Naipaul’s funeral fictive fanfare Dr Kris relections &...
Reflections on the writer people love to hate
How do societies integrate new migrant communities to traditional identities for sustaainble development - Dr Kris Rampersad...
Help our children understand their heritage, Toronto appeals to LiTTscapes author. The increasing incident of violence and...
The King and I a snapshot of empowering civil society through media across the Commonwealth with Dr...
Surprise visit of my ABC teacher Miss Olive Sinanan at our LiTTribute to Toronto introducing LiTTscapes, Landscapes...
Its World Heritage Day.Come join us and hear about the unique creative potential of the Caribbean cultural...
Trendsetting Exploration Edutainment to revolutionise lifelong learning and education
Can women make a difference to the development landscape and if so how? How can Trinidad and...
Women empowerment gender leadership courses capacity development at GloCal Knowledge Pot
Based on a true encounter my collision with Stephen Hawking on the Cambridge Greens and our shared...
Sustainable development planners and policy makers generally find it difficult to co-relate sustainable development to heritage and...
Prophetic prophesies of politics and People empowerment the political climate change, blowing winds of change over the...
Dr Kris Rampersad Rewriting the Columbus story, with the missing links..original research as the First Peoples host...
Just when the immortelles, yellow pink lilac poui in their blaze of glory mock the raging...
Need to update media codes of practice and laws for digital age
As the newspaper as a media sits at its fin de siecle, it forces one to question...
Sitting in a small island behind phone and email, steering populations to move governments - Dr Kris...
Trinidad and Tobago has offered to share its knowledge and experiences of multiculturalism and diversity management with...
Small Island Developing States - SIDS - have recommended a change in designation to Big Ocean Sustainable...
As UNESCO World heritage assembly meets in PARIS to examine governance finance administration of UNESCOs flagship programme...
First time Trinidad and Tobago elected to the executive board in 16 years
UNESCO delegates call for review of elections to World Heritage Committee following failure of any African country...
or the first time in 16 years Trinidad and Tobago sits on the Executive Board of the...
Shamla Maharaj inspires youth with outstanding education achievements despite disabilities of speak to UNESCO Youth Forum in...
In a situation where some 50 percent did not vote and whose vote can go anywhere,...
Political change and sustainable development in new age of cultural change
Making local government work requires political will, community engagements and civic empowerment Dr Kris Rampersad explores small...
Dr Kris Rampersad examines the threat to national heritage by unplanned and unsustainable development and threats to...
Policy mechanisms to ensure that Caribbean priorities and interests are represented in ways that can bring optimal...
Creative Musings where fact meets fiction and a survey of the state of heritage conservation
For too long the role of leaders in our communities have been hijacked by not too savoury...
Host of BBC World Have Your Say, Ros Atkins special guest speaker at LiTTribute to LondonTTown. LiTTribute...
Heritage Educator Dr Kris Rampersad details the needs and avenues for preserving and safeguarding heritage of small...
Heritage Educator Dr Kris Rampersad establishes the umbilical like between politics and culture in small island development
Dr Kris Rampersad identifies gaps in heritage resource development and needed actions forward
Historic Heritage original independent research from Dr Kris Rampersad on Redhouse Bonesa nd other significant cultural interconnections...
Conservation of World Heritage and expanding knowledge about places of memory in the Caribbean and potential...
Training and Capacity building to support Heritage conservation and enhancement for the sustainable development of local communities...
Dr Kris Rampersad is a UNESCO-trained expert towards helping communities strengthen mechanisms to safeguard their cultural heritage.
Request a LiTTribute to your land with Dr Kris Rampersad
In the News…. T&T Author Antigua Icons In LiTTribute To Antilles Monday, Mar 18th, 2013 02:41...
The creativity of the islands of the Antilles will come into focus with LiTTribute to the AnTTiles...
Dear Lizzie, shame runs deep and so too the damage done
Activating the communities to take charge of their cultures, knowing how in Guyana some of the communities...
When it comes to culture in the global space, the Caribbean ... can share our best practices,...
Strengthening policies, infrastructure, legislation, and the policy framework to stimualte economic development through culture
LiTTscapes reading at Moray House with Dr Kris Rampersad and creative artists of Guyana Drama Guild
LiTTurgy to the Mainland Guyana ... meshes with the vision and energies that forged LiTTscapes - Landscapes...
As educators, we know that challenges the fast pace of change, new technologies and breakthroughs in new...
Prime Minister Kamla Persad Bissessar presents a copy of Through the Political Glass Ceiling – Race to Prime...
Dr Kris Rampersad shares benefits of strength garnered from participation in the deliberation of international issues.
The new age piracy of the Caribbean on the graveyard shift and vandalism of tombs from explorations... Finding the nexus between literature, culture, heritage, development and leisure Rampersad, friends pay literary tribute to...
ADDRESS BY SENATOR DR. BHOENDRADATT TEWARIE, Minister of Planning and Sustainable Development, Chairman 50THAnniversary Of Independence Interministerial...
Unique cultural interpretation of the cut and thrust of Trinidad and Tobago’s politics
Emerging intersections and musings on impact of new media on civil society politics and power structures
Planet Reset: Agriculture Food Security, Environment, Health & Well Being: How do we encourage media to communicate...
Dr Kris Rampersad shares her journeys, anecdotes and experiences and how we take our world into the...
Retailoring education to be gender sensitive - education systems can benefit from gender mainstreaming and gender-sensitivity...
celebrating women recipients of s national awards
a virtual Museum of Memories and academy of lifelong learning of our Interconnected GloCal Heritage Global Local...
Much has been said about possible linkages of the origins of the Corona Virus and its passing...
Minister of Education Dr. Tim Gopeesingh on August 17, 2011 handed over letters of appointment to new members of...
Rampersad chairs the 21 member new National Commission for UNESCO Trinidad and Tobago
Dr Kris Rampersad, commend awards to women recognised so profusely in the first year, of a...
Women have been among the most disadvantaged groups in Caribbean society while making great contributions to family...
Trinidad and Trinidad appoints new National Commission for UNESCO chaired by Dr Kris Rampersad
Dr Kris Rampersad Global Gender Equality Strategy Policy Leadership Empowerment
Dr Kris Rampersad examines notions of a growing mass global movement of an entity called civil society,...
A close look at statistical analyses of media and the pitfalls in applying old methods to the...
Woman to Woman Series of articles on the challenges of women in leadership and politics towards breaking...
Assessment of challenges towards gender equality and elimination of gender based violence, institutional deficit and women in...
Close insights into rthe emarkable journey settlement and adaptations of cultures, languages, traditions and lifestyles transposed from...
The GloCal Knowledge Pot integrated, interinstitutional, intersectoral, inclusive and interconnected approach has a long history of successful...
Nominate Women Agents of Change Concept for Commonwealth Caribbean Her contribution to home, family and community...
Gender bender mind twister on the complexity of data collation and analyses with changing gender dynamics and...
Multiculturalism through different lenses a challenge to revise approaches and build cultural confidence
Reforming the culture of education to stimulate learning through creative education. Sir Ken Robinson's Ted Talks aligns...
the perception is one thing; the actual figures tell a story. How have our women in the...
Kris Rampersad was in Toronto recently to launch her book, which is a collection of speeches by...
Articles writings, books and videos on gender equality & empowerment, capacity development and training
Dr. Kris Rampersad, a journalist, lecturer and political observer in her own right, shows how the path...
Dr Kris Rampersad commended on actions to counterbalance trade agreements and affirm the sovereign right of countries...
Developing policy instruments for cultural diversity
Dr. Kris Rampersad ... sets new interpretations for future elected office holders.... a good starting point for...
Media, cultural and literary consultant Dr Kris Rampersad believes budgets should contain the necessary provisions to push...
What does budgeting and financing for the arts and creative sector mean? How can w make it...
Coordination Strategy and Planning for Non Profits to Partner with Government Private Sector in Flood Relief efforts
Feedback From Trinidad and Tobago News Forum Sustainable developmentBy:Neal NorayDate: 5/28/2008, 12:21 pm What exactly is happening in Trinidad...
Dr Kris Rampersad critiques development strategy and action plan of Summit of the Americas, Organisation of American...
Training is direct intervention to sensitise women candidates to issues, prepare them for potential challenges and provide...
research, interviews and written articles and documentaries for empowerment of women and gender equality through InterAmerican systems...
Role of Women in Leadership and Politics Kamla Persad Bissessar Trinidad and Tobago's First Female Prme...
The diversity of the Caribbean region and its distorted history leave many gaps in understanding appreciating and...
The evidence is it remains much easier for mediocre men to make it than average and above-average...
Caribbean pioneers and educators comprised Muslims fron Indentured Immigrant Labour movements
Location is a core marker of identity. But location is not just physical but also metaphysical space....
Pointing to glaring deficits in the Caricom culture policy and others that existed in the region, Rampersad...
Despite its very clear identification of Commonwealth challenges, and its theme Partnering for a More Equitable and...
Dr Kris Rampersad media and outreach campaigns to protect the planet, promote food security, agriculture, healthy lifestyles...
A valuable addition to research on gender and women in politics in the Commonwealth.
It is high time we move beyond the rhetoric and value and recognise the potential for leadership...
Food Security and Culture are vital dimensions to Human Prosperity and Sustainable Development, equity and equality for...
News service, newsletter, media relations management, advice, consultations., news conferences, media materials, content development
Through The Political Glass Ceiling – Race to Prime Ministership by first female, Kamla Persad-Bissessar’s Selected Speeches...
Anyone who wants to govern effectively must unite the diversity rather than seek ever more exclusive power...
To ensure that the integrity of our election processes is sound and indisputable, and reinforce Government’s commitment...
Securing Caribbean cultural diversity in the diaspora and international arena
identification of Commonwealth challenges, Partnering for a More Equitable and Sustainable Future, the CHOGM concept unequal focus...
As we face explosion of crime and as the world explodes in conflict and wars, local and...
The locals believe that those who show up for the Maha Kumbh Mela that takes place once...
‘Oh brave new AI world that there’s so much data in’t!’ Missed me since the Data Crash?...